I got the win !



For my 200th post.....


When I was driving the 13 a few races a go. My first win at Daytona in NASCAR Racing Season 2003, then I switched to the 29 after a few races. I have more success driving Harvick's number.

Well I got outta my rookie status ! It's cool, but I still am going to post a whole lot every day !
That was my old paint scheme, I probably wont drive it ever again, maybe at Lowes Motor Speedway or when I get sick and tired of my Looney Tunes Paint Scheme.
Just checked ... I have 101.9 posts per day, which is most likely :p the highest in racing-forums.com, quite possibly any message board. So, maybe I could ease up, but I thought, I gotta get to Senior Member Ranking !
Now I have seen peopel post about 150 or so in one day so thats not a record. It just happened about a week ago at another board I go to!

You go a way to go to join us seniors
Originally posted by PettyBenson4510@Jun 30 2003, 03:45 PM
Now I have seen peopel post about 150 or so in one day so thats not a record. It just happened about a week ago at another board I go to!

You go a way to go to join us seniors
Congratulations Happy!!! :)

You're making people like me look like a slow duffer :p
I am sure we will be seeing more post from ya Happy, it took some of us a long time to get to 200 posts. For all you old timers...ya know what Paul would say in this thread?
I'm workin on 1000 now, I'll probably have it by next Tuesday or Wednesday. ^_^
WoW that cool Happy. Congrats. You'll be an old timer way before your time. :D
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