I guess the time has come



I suppose they'll be taking races away from Lowe's Notor Speedway in Charlotte soon. It didn't sell out. Fair's fair. Now I suppose Fontana gets three dates a year, huh?


from catchfence.com

TV Ratings May Have Been Up But Thousands Of Seats Were Empty: While the TV ratings on NBC were up 14 percent from last Saturday's UAW-GM Quality 500, attendance at Charlotte's Lowe's Motor Speedway was not. The race was run before thousands of empty seats. The fall race at Charlotte never does well as the Coca- Cola 600 in May, There are always empty seats because the track has expanded several times to meet demand for the 600. But it was still surprising, in the midst of the Chase for the Championship, to see so many unsold seats. ``I was kinda confused on why that was going on,'' Wallace said. ``I don't have all the answers. It did concern me a bit.'' Temperatures that dipped from the high 50s down into the 40s didn't help. - The Tampa Tribune

Cold temperatures are no excuse. Bigger grandstands to accomodate the more popular race are no excuse. just ask Darlington about that one, who lost its more popular date and had the problem date moved to a more problematic weekend. THAT oughta help... :rolleyes:

So let's shut the old place down and move these two races to places that'll sell out. That's how it's done, right?

So long Lowe's Motor Speedway. Can't wait to see that Memorial Day race live from Loudon!
Todays NASCAR sure is a long way from the days when races were held to have a good time.

No question, money changes everything.
Maybe Chicago or Kansas will get another date. New Hampshire=boring.
Originally posted by Flametamer@Oct 21 2004, 04:53 PM
Todays NASCAR sure is a long way from the days when races were held to have a good time.

No question, money changes everything.
And usually for the worse.
Let's start a rumor----The track in Washington State is going in because NASCAR wants to develop a rain tire and that is the cheapest test bed---43 cars paying for the tires to test!

I spent three years in Tacoma---went there a pasty white---left a nice auburn color---it was rust. ;)

I mentioned before I thought NASCAR was sucking up to the new fans----the ones who have no idea of the tradition, etc-----and will schlep off into the next bright light on the horizon as soon as they get a bit bored with stock car racing.

I used to love baseball----money ruined pro ball.

Football is well on the same road---used to switch during race commercials---don't anymore.

I really hate to think NASCAR is gonna do the same stupid thing! :(
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