I have a confession...



My name is Rich, and I am a recovering Democrat. That is not an easy thing to type. It is hard to finally admit to myself that I have wasted years of my life on this failing ideaology. But, admitting you have a problem is the first step towards recovery. I'm still not sure what brought about this change. Maybe it's the first sign that my 'young and idealistic' phase is finally over. Or maybe it's simply because I have to work for a paycheck...who knows. What I do know is that the war was the last straw. I have always supported this war, even when I called myself a Democrat. Over time, I became increasingly fed up with the Democratic party. It was not their opposition in and of itself that bothered me, it was the flip-flopping. Take Tom Daschle, who votes in favor of the war, but then runs his mouth in the opposite direction. Which one should we believe, Tom, your actions or your words? Then I began to dig deeper into why the Democrats could possibly oppose this war. Fear of another Vietnam? Sure, but I never thought that was a possibility. Was it the fear of helping people? The fear of saving the lives that needed to be saved (those of the Iraqi civilians)? But I think I figured it out: they have no opposition to the war, only opposition to any and all things Republican. If it were a Democrat sitting in the Oval Office...then I realized that sentence is applicable to so many situations over history. The Democrats have no integrity. None. I've had it with them. I know this is a pretty 'right-leaning' board, so maybe this was all a waste of time. But if you made it this far, thank you for reading my ramblings. Have a nice day, and God Bless America.
congrats Flojo, glad to hear your eyes were opened to all the lies and deception. You know this was a big step in the politics of this country, if the war had gone the other way maybe you would have became a hardened Democrat. It seems to me that President Bush has a great insight and a great vision into problems like these, everything he said has come to pass so far. IMO he is a great leader and personally I support him in all of these ventures. GOD BLESS AMERICA. :salute:
Welcome to the light. I've heard it said that "Anyone who is under 30 years old and is not a liberal has no heart. But anyone who is over 30 and is a liberal has no brain". There is a certain amount of truth in that.
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