I have a joke...

A Tornado warning was issued for the Dallas area today. Residents were asked to seek shelter in Dallas Stadium because the chances of a Touchdown there were really low. :D

What do the Dallas Cowboys and Billy Graham have in common?
They both can make 70,000 people stand up and yell "Jesus Christ".

What does the NFL and Broke Back Mountain have in common?

They both have cowboys that suck
What's the difference between the Dallas Cowboys and a dollar bill?

You can still get four quarters out of a dollar bill.
A teacher is talking to her students about how she is a Dallas Cowboys fan. "So how many children in here are Cowboys fans?" The teacher asks. All the children except one raise their hands. "Billy, why didn't you raise your hand?" The teacher asks.
"Well, ma'am, my mom and dad are Redskins fans, so I'm a Redskins fan," Billy replies.
"Billy, you should be your own person. Just because your parents are Redskins fans doesn't mean you have to be. Tell me, Billy, if both your mom was an idiot and your dad was an idiot, what would you be then?" The teacher asks.
"Well ma'am... I guess I'd be a Dallas Cowboys fan."
A guy and his dog walk into a bar in Dallas on a Sunday. The bartender looks at the two and says "No pets allowed, sir, you'll have to leave" The guy looks desperately at the bartender and says "Please, I'm from out of town, the tv at my hotel is broken, and we're both die-hard Cowboys fans. If the dog makes trouble, we'll both leave no questions asked, I promise. Just let us stay for the game."
The bartender allows it, and the Cowboys end up winning the game. The dog does a somersault and starts shaking hands with everyone wearing a Cowboys jersey. Stunned, the bartender asks "If he gets this excited over the regular season, what does he do when they win in the playoffs?" The guys looks sadly at the bartender and says "I don't know, I've only had him for 9 years..."
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