I HAVE A NEW BABY ............



....Boy kitty! I had rescued a litter of kittens and was fostering them for a rescue group and when I had to give them up, I got pretty down. So of course, I went out and got another! He's a lilac point Siamese. He joins his "big sister" a blue point Siamese, who is learning to tolerate him and even play a bit ..... on her terms, of course. (We've found Siamese fur doesn't bother our allergies like other cats.)

He still has no name even though I've had him since last Sunday so any name suggestions are appreciated.

My kids told me I couldn't name him after a race car diver... LOL Jeffy, Gordy and 24 don't quite cut it. I was thinking about Zippy as in Greg, but they didn't like that, but the kids do like Ziggy. Hubby, not so much. I've had a ton of names thrown at me and some like one and others don't. If I was sure what I wanted, I tell them all TOO BAD! (Something racing related I'd be open to. ;))

He goes from being a super affectionate love bug, to a cry baby, to bouncing off the walls, if that helps any. :) He goes to our vet Monday so I hope to have a name by then!




Hmmm, new kitten needs a name. Well he's still young, needs a lot of attention, will get into trouble at anytime, still dependant on others, not very knowledgeable as to the world...Name him Andy... :D
Looks like a great addition to the family. When we finally got a cat, one that would get along with the dogs in our family, we had to name him Bo, short for Bocephus and he's a doozie for sure.
Had to put down our seal point siamese (female) 5 years ago :( Squirt was 19 yrs old and a great cat. I'm sure you will enjoy the little fellow for a long time. :)
Hmmm, new kitten needs a name. Well he's still young, needs a lot of attention, will get into trouble at anytime, still dependant on others, not very knowledgeable as to the world...Name him Andy... :D

Hey just call him GORDON. That would be a good name for him.:beerbang:

Robby would be honored. :)


Oh dear..... LOL :D

Hmmm...maybe if I told my husband it's Robby.. LOL Actually, I've said it before and I'll say again, one of my favorite classic moments is when Robby threw his helmet at Mikey Waltrip and said, "Everyone thinks he's such a nice guy, but he's a .......... " I laugh every time I see it and hear it! I like Robby just fine if he stays away from Jeff on the track. heh heh
Had to put down our seal point siamese (female) 5 years ago :( Squirt was 19 yrs old and a great cat. I'm sure you will enjoy the little fellow for a long time. :)

Awwww... My first Siamese was a seal point named Jade. I was devestated when she died of kidney failure at 16. Misha was born within a couple of days of losing her and she's a blue point. Now I have a lilac point and all I need is a chocolate point... and .... LOL I just love how dog-like Siamese are.

Here's Mr. No Name looking at you and saying... "Make up your mind already. And will you quit with the flash already, I'm trying to sleep!!"


When he curls up, he just about fits in the palm of your hand. He's long though when he uncurls himself. He's on my daughter's shoulder here.

Ok, so we have Ziggy (as in Stardust)
Jax (Jaxson) - My husband's first thought was Jack, but that's what my dad went by. That's too weird to me.
Iggy as in (Pop)

Some of the first names I was thinking of other than Zippy and Gordy were after characters in one of my fav. shows, NCIS. Gibbs & McGee. My son likes Gibbs better because McGee is a dork. LOL I think McGee sounds cute. I've considered Ziggy McGee! My one daughter wants to me to name him Marley (as in Bob Marley). My warped oldest daughter wants to call him Hannibal! Accck!

I've also wanted to think of something like Buck's cat's name. Something long that can be shortened.

(Don't you just love how decisive I am! It's a wonder my kids even have names! LOL)
Yorkie, instead of Gibbs, name him Jethro and then you can call him Jet. :)

BTW, that is my favorite show as well.
Yorkie, instead of Gibbs, name him Jethro and then you can call him Jet. :)

BTW, that is my favorite show as well.

Jethro was thrown out in the name game. I don't know why that one was shot down. Probably cuz he's such a tiny little thing that Jethro sounded too big for him. LOL Jethro Bodine ... Beverly Hillbilies anyone?

Buck - When I told you before I watch that show mutiple times a day, I told you the wrong channel the reruns are on. It's USA. See all these damn cable channels changing have really messed us up. It has nothing to do with our brains or anything. LOL You have good taste! Hey.. I should call him Yorkie! heh heh Yeah, I know I'll get good reviews from that ... NOT. :D
Who in their right mind would name a cat FedEx? Now if it were a dog you could name him DHL for Darn, Humping Leg again...

OMG..... you are like a one man entertainment venue. ROFLMAO! Ya'lls pretty funny for a bunch of suthern redneck NASCAR fans. hehehehe Or is that Ya'll ya'lls .. I forget.. I'm one of those damn northern liberals that are ruining the world. heh heh Nah.. we have plenty of rednecks up here past the Mason-Dixon line. One thing I have learned is NEVER to get into a conversation (esp. when you're just trying to be polite cuz you don't know the person and they're a guest of a friend) with a redneck drunk who loves his guns. That was damn painful. And I'm not talking about having to get the buckshot out of my drawers...... hahahahahaha J/K With my NASCAR stickers on my van I've been getting teased about being one them there rednecks myself. LOL :D
It's y'all.
As to the Mason-Dixon line I try not to cross it often. I start bleeding at the ears, hives and such just from being on the soil of a state from the War of Northern Aggression...
It's y'all.
As to the Mason-Dixon line I try not to cross it often. I start bleeding at the ears, hives and such just from being on the soil of a state from the War of Northern Aggression...

LOL We'll be nice to ya BP. I promise!! I'll protect you from those agressors!! :D
How cute. Which one are you getting? I have a miniature schnauzer he is a trip. Spoiled rotten he is sitting at the computer room door right now growling at me and has his favorite toy wanting me to get up from here.

A trip. If he were my dog, I would buy him a passport. :D
How cute. Which one are you getting? I have a miniature schnauzer he is a trip. Spoiled rotten he is sitting at the computer room door right now growling at me and has his favorite toy wanting me to get up from here.
Seventh picture, the little black one at the top of the photo. Wife and he sort of picked each other. <g> Has a small white patch under his chin and another on his upper chest that resembles one of our cats, her favorite of course. Was lucky getting away with getting only one of them (at least so far). We'll bring him home Dec 22, just in time for Christmas.
Seventh picture, the little black one at the top of the photo. Wife and he sort of picked each other. <g> Has a small white patch under his chin and another on his upper chest that resembles one of our cats, her favorite of course. Was lucky getting away with getting only one of them (at least so far). We'll bring him home Dec 22, just in time for Christmas.

Awwwwwwwwwww! They're all so cute!!! What a great Christmas present(s). ;) I was actually thinking about getting a pup but with our awful weather, I decided I'd wait until late Spring at least. Soooo now we have a kitten instead. Much easier in the tundra up here. I love Westies/Scotties. My daughter has a little Yorkie/Chihuahua mix and I was thinking it would be nice to have a lap dog for a change.

OK, I think we finally have a name. He might have had one last week if I knew my husband was going to come up with this since we mentioned it and figured it would be a "no go" since it would remind him of his boss from hades. However, he walks in today and says, "The only name that seems to make any sense is: SAMMY!"
Sheesh.... we thought of that one of the first days. Still not sure if he should be formally Samson or Samuel with Sam & Sammy being what we actually call him. Maybe just once I'll finally be different and just say his name is Sammy. LOL
We rescued our cat about 6 years ago from the shelter. Our instructions were pretty clear. Find us a cat no one would want and was going to be put down. We have a feral cat that was netted in a Bojangles parking lot. He's turned into a pretty neat cat but it took a while. Now he comes when I call him and he's finally learning to roll over on command. And, he still likes Bojangles chicken.

We also have a beagle we rescued. She had been brought in on a Thursday night and they werre going to put her down that Tuesday as she was considered to be unadoptable. We've had her 4 years and she is still afraid of strangers and loud noises. But she's coming along nicely.

When we were fortunate enough to live in the country we had 13 dogs at one time that we had rescued. We were one of the ones that the vets would call when they had to find a home for an animal.

We even rescued a blue faced parrot at one point. But we ended up placing him with a private aviary near Salisbury when he couldn't be tamed. We were afraid the grandkids would have a finger taken off.
We rescued our cat about 6 years ago from the shelter. Our instructions were pretty clear. Find us a cat no one would want and was going to be put down. We have a feral cat that was netted in a Bojangles parking lot. He's turned into a pretty neat cat but it took a while. Now he comes when I call him and he's finally learning to roll over on command. And, he still likes Bojangles chicken.

We also have a beagle we rescued. She had been brought in on a Thursday night and they werre going to put her down that Tuesday as she was considered to be unadoptable. We've had her 4 years and she is still afraid of strangers and loud noises. But she's coming along nicely.

When we were fortunate enough to live in the country we had 13 dogs at one time that we had rescued. We were one of the ones that the vets would call when they had to find a home for an animal.

We even rescued a blue faced parrot at one point. But we ended up placing him with a private aviary near Salisbury when he couldn't be tamed. We were afraid the grandkids would have a finger taken off.
we kinda do the same thing.

My mom picked up a stray cat from the parking lot where she works. IT plays happily with one of the other cats and the new puppy. It has a "tux" color- all back except the chest. Only about 3 months old or so..fits in both palms.
That's wonderful, BP. Our old girl Kellie we had to put down in June was rescued as a stray from our Humane Society 16 yrs ago. We were never sure of her age, but she was a great dog. One of the kids got involved with obedience training through our 4H and they both ended up at the State Fair less than a year after she was adopted. Daughter got older and wasn't interested anymore, so I took her as a hobby. It was a lot of fun. Even when she could barely get around, she always remembered some of her "commands." She'd "try" to do some of the things we taught her that her old body wouldn't cooperate with and she remembered going to lie down on her bed whenever she wanted to eat. I used to collect cats as a kid, too. I'd probably have a lot more if my hubby was more agreeable.

I even rescued a pigeon from outside our Big Lots. It had fallen off the roof and the parents were all up there. I finally went in and got a box and brought it home. We actually were able to find someone who did rehab on them. The neighbors thought they were hearing and seeing things when we had a Canadian goose in our yard one weekend. Daughter was doing a field study for college at a local vet where they had all kinds of wild animal rehab. They weren't opened when she went to take him. Poor guy had a broken wing that was going to have to be amputated and then he was going to live at one of the vet's place out in the country where he had a huge pond and a bunch of other rescued birds.

Anyway, had our little guy in to the vet today and he's all healthy, got more shots and goes back in 3 wks for a snip snip job. Turns out our SAMMY McGEE (I just had to add that in there!) is a blue point like our other cat, not what the people told us. Fine with us. He did seem kind of dark to me to be a lilac point. He weighs a whole 2 lb. 11 oz! :)
Pigeon huh? See you should have checked with me. I got a really good rehab procedure for them...

Pigeon Pie Recipe


Oh and as to putting things in boxes, when we lived in the country it was on a stream that fed the Neuse river. So we had lots of copperheads. We would collect black snakes to let loose in the yard since they love copperhead eggs and babies. Well where my wife worked they were putting in a shopping center behind her building so their parking lot would get over run with black snakes. She'd go out with a cardboard box to collect them to bring home. Her Safety people kind of objected when she'd store the box under her desk until she got off.
We only had 1 problem. A snake got out of the box in the car on her ride home and entangled himself in the seat coils. So there she is in the front and me in the back getting this snake from around the coils without hurting him. That took some time. But the black snakes did a good job and kept our yard free of the more dangerous snakes.

One day I'll have to tell you my spider stories. Fascinating creatures. It's a shame people kill them like they do. They really can help around the house.
okay you've started something now! my hubby saw a pic of Sammy and he wants to get one like him now.which is fine by me b/c i've been wanting one.although i'd prob. name him BAD or Rotten.He is too cute.spoil him rotten for me.lol.:p
Pigeon huh? See you should have checked with me. I got a really good rehab procedure for them...

Pigeon Pie Recipe


Oh and as to putting things in boxes, when we lived in the country it was on a stream that fed the Neuse river. So we had lots of copperheads. We would collect black snakes to let loose in the yard since they love copperhead eggs and babies. Well where my wife worked they were putting in a shopping center behind her building so their parking lot would get over run with black snakes. She'd go out with a cardboard box to collect them to bring home. Her Safety people kind of objected when she'd store the box under her desk until she got off.
We only had 1 problem. A snake got out of the box in the car on her ride home and entangled himself in the seat coils. So there she is in the front and me in the back getting this snake from around the coils without hurting him. That took some time. But the black snakes did a good job and kept our yard free of the more dangerous snakes.

One day I'll have to tell you my spider stories. Fascinating creatures. It's a shame people kill them like they do. They really can help around the house.

I don't care for snakes much at all, but the little ones that fit in a small aquarium I can manage. I'd rather have those black snakes than those nasty water moccasins I hear are down in those parts!

I had a friend in Wilmington many years ago when it was flooding really bad and she was telling me there were water moccasins all over the place. Ewww!!

When my oldest daughter was about 4, she brought some worms with her to the store. I told her umm.. no, she wasn't taking them in. So we get out and the darn things have burrowed into the carpeting in my car, never to be seen again!! LOL
okay you've started something now! my hubby saw a pic of Sammy and he wants to get one like him now.which is fine by me b/c i've been wanting one.although i'd prob. name him BAD or Rotten.He is too cute.spoil him rotten for me.lol.:p
That's great!!! I think I should have named Sammy "Trouble." He's into eveything!!! I'm having a heck of a time keeping him out of places he shouldn't be and he's so darn fast, by the time I tell him NO about where he is and put him someplace he should be, he's run off and got into something else! Last night I think he thought he was in the jungle. We have this huge plant and the little bugger kept getting in the middle of it. Probably thought he was on safari! LOL I can't tell you the number of times I hauled him out of there!!!

Good luck finding a new kitty!!!
Goin' Fishin'


Hey! Where'd they go?! There's nothing but a big lid up here!


Who me?!! I was just here being a good boy and watching. Honest ......
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