Originally posted by TN-Ward-Fan@Mar 11 2003, 01:39 PM
Maybe it's spring fever. Maybe it's burnout. Maybe I'm just in one of those spells this line of work seems to induce, where things are going haywire for awhile.
Seems like every day something happens that just makes me shake my head and wonder what the world is coming to.
These things happen to all of us at one time or another. They are generally a result of taking ourselves too seriously.
Not an uncommon malady however. Jobs, marriage, children, neighbors and politics all get on our nerves once in awhile, and sometimes all at the same time. Different personalities handle this in different ways. Some look for solutions in alcohol, use drugs and some even take thier aggressions out on anyone in thier path by way of insult, which is later regretted.
Not an uncommon trait as it affects Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddist, Wicka, or any other faith or race any place in the world.
With the U.S. of A. being the most stressful people in the universe, why not have a few bad days.
The stress we place on ourselves is unimaginable. Not to make this sound as if each one of us have problems that are not real or insignificant, but when the air clears, look back at what the serious concern of the day were and it becomes something that really didn't amount to much in the long run, plus the idea of taking the problems in the immediate environ and world too seriously, were things for the most part we have no control over anyway.
Think about it and try to understand what the big deal is that troubles us today and when all is said and done, will it have made a difference in two or ten years and could we have done anything about it anyway?? Would we have done anything different??
Most likely not. But it is a good idea for a vacation. Maybe one week at Disney World ?? SMILE !!!