I'm tired of the personal sniping that's been going on in this forum.
This is for NASCAR discussion only. Some have been indulging themselves in nit-picking, sarcasm, and personal insults long enough.
If you don't like what someone has to say --- reply to the post --- NOT TO THE POSTER. Leave the personal out of the reply.
I don't mind a good discussion. I don't mind a good argument.
But leave the personality of the poster out of it.
Some may think it is fun, ridiculing others --- I don't.
If you have something personal to say to another poster, take it to PM.
This is for NASCAR discussion only. Some have been indulging themselves in nit-picking, sarcasm, and personal insults long enough.
If you don't like what someone has to say --- reply to the post --- NOT TO THE POSTER. Leave the personal out of the reply.
I don't mind a good discussion. I don't mind a good argument.
But leave the personality of the poster out of it.
Some may think it is fun, ridiculing others --- I don't.
If you have something personal to say to another poster, take it to PM.