I shot my best round of golf ever tonight



I shot a 58 for 9 holes tonight. :)

For most golfers 58 for 9 is really bad, but it was much better than I have done before. This is the 2nd night of my league play. I had never played this course before last week. Last week we played the last 9 holes and I shot a 77 in cold, rainy conditions. Tonight we played the first 9 holes instead and I shot a 58. I had never played those holes before and I shot my best round ever. The front 9 is also quite a bit longer than the back 9, so that 19 stroke improvement is even more impressive to me. :)

Many will not care about this, but for me it is a great night :partytime: :partytime:
Keep up the practice 4x and you'll soon be the league leader! Congrats on the improvement!
good job 4x...

my high school golf team just started up last week and we are doing really bad, but a 58 is still pretty good for a beginner. you'd prolly be a starter on our varsity team with a score like that.
Congrats, thats pretty good.

I have only been golfing twice at the same course, and I stink.
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