I was impressed with Jimmy Vasser today.

Definately. Though he's always been one of the best drivers alive...:)

Learning NASCAR the hard way. :)
geez, it was only a plate race..not like it takes talent to do that... ;)

PS..i think him and alot of the drivers did a good job staying outta trouble.... :D
Originally posted by hooty3181529@Feb 15 2003, 01:47 PM
geez, it was only a plate race..not like it takes talent to do that... ;)
Maybe that's why Jr runs good here. :p
Vasser did great!!!! They never did show him out of the car after the wreck. He got hit a ton. He sure did get a nice welcome into NASCAR didn't he. Vasser is a good driver I hope to see him in NASCAR more this year!!

I really wished Mike did not get in that wreck. He was goign to bring that car home with a solid top 15 finish. If they did that i bet they would have been safe in going to Rockingham and Vegas.
I think I heard that Vasser said his next race was at Darlington... so you know he'll learn Darlington the hard way.... can ya say "Darlington Stripe"?
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