Anyone using Internet Explorer 8? What do you like or dislike? Sometimes I use IE7 sometimes FireFox.
I swtiched to IE8 on my Vista PC when it launched a couple months ago. I like it a lot better than IE7. Runs faster, and there are a lot of cool features. I don't use Firefox. I tried it back when it was called Mozilla, and never used it since. Maybe it's better now, but it sucked with no active X support. I've also heard that because Firefox is becoming more popular, hackers are targeting it more with spyware.
Oddly enough, at work we are just starting testing to roll out IE7 and Vista. We're only a couple years behind the curve here.
People always gripe about having to put up with MS security pacthes and such, and gripe about all the IE security problems. But alll those security issues are a result of it being what everyone uses. Like you said, as Firefox becomes more popular and more widely used, it's become a more popular target, and the security problems will be just as bad as they are on IE.