If I may for one moment


Team Owner
Aug 17, 2017
The shear devastation in the Mountains of Western North Carolina, Eastern Tn, Northwest South Carolina is something that words truly cant convey. I've seen it, my daughter in her personal vehicle, god bless her, has made run after run with supplies for families that are suffering and need help. She lives 4 hours from the base of the mountains but she loaded up her car ( took her children with her) and took water, diapers, formula and food to those in need. Folks, this is worse than you can imagine, This isnt ground level stuff, we have thousands of people stuck at the top of mountains with no escape, the roads are GONE! Please help, donate to Samaritans Purse, Operation Airdrop to help with food and fuel for the Helicopters that are trying to reach these people! Entire towns are gone and the people who lived there are dead floating on the banks of Lake Lure and along the river banks. If you can help, please do but if nothing else, please pray.
I know man, it's a disaster that is going to take years to fix. I contributed to the Red Cross. I'm going to do some more later when people get side tracked. Samaritans Purse is from that area I hear. Fla is about to get hit again. This time it looks like it will be hit harder.
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