If I would have known...

Benevolent One

Team Owner
Jan 1, 2007
NE Ohio
If I would have known I was gonna live this long I would have taken a lot better care of myself. Maybe I wouldn't have, but on days like this I really wish I would have.

Everything I've got hurts. My back is the main culprit, but it has plenty of accomplices today. Allergies and a temperature (in the house!) of 90 degrees or better make it feel like I'm trying to move underwater. I've heard of people with chronic pain like mine moving to warmer climates as a way of relieving some of their pain. That doesn't sound very good to me today. Then again, if we had air conditioning in this house I'd probably feel a lot differently. Cold weather, and particularly damp and cold weather, chills me to the bone. But, you can always put more clothes on or even use blankets against the cold. This crap is rediculous.

Sorry to sound whiny, but I just needed to get that off of my chest.
Buy a a/c for your bedroom my friend. Yesterday it was 96 here and no it wasn't a dry heat. High temps and humidity really kicks me down with the COPD, feels like I'm breathing water.

I can tell you when it'll rain as the arty-ritis kicks in too.

I've said the same thing "If I would have known I was gonna live this long I would have taken a lot better care of myself":)

Don't think I would have done things much different, other than NOT marrying my first wife.:D:D:D
BO, don't know your age, but here's something from an almost 62 year old. I work out in the heat and humidity every day (cold, snow and ice as well) and my old bones hurt like the dickens. As I told others who can't move around as well as I can, I thank God every day that I'm able to walk and do my job. But of course, that doesn't relieve my pain either, but it puts me in a whole different frame of mine. But here's what I wanted to tell you...last Thanksgiving Day, I visited my parents in Oklahoma City for turkey day. I had a chat with my father and told him that getting old sucks and that I feel a new pain each and every day. He looked at me and said, "Son, you haven't even grown up yet. Wait until you are my age and then tell me how you feel!" It's the old saying, no matter what you have to say, someone else has more to add to it.

I hope you get to feeling better soon. If you are like me, the pain comes and goes.

BTW, I'm now doing some rehab by going to the beach for a week and a half. It might not help in the long run, but what the heck, I don't really care right now. :) I'm on vacation (holiday for my foreign friends).
BO, don't know your age, but here's something from an almost 62 year old. I work out in the heat and humidity every day (cold, snow and ice as well) and my old bones hurt like the dickens. As I told others who can't move around as well as I can, I thank God every day that I'm able to walk and do my job. But of course, that doesn't relieve my pain either, but it puts me in a whole different frame of mine. But here's what I wanted to tell you...last Thanksgiving Day, I visited my parents in Oklahoma City for turkey day. I had a chat with my father and told him that getting old sucks and that I feel a new pain each and every day. He looked at me and said, "Son, you haven't even grown up yet. Wait until you are my age and then tell me how you feel!" It's the old saying, no matter what you have to say, someone else has more to add to it.

I hope you get to feeling better soon. If you are like me, the pain comes and goes.

BTW, I'm now doing some rehab by going to the beach for a week and a half. It might not help in the long run, but what the heck, I don't really care right now. :) I'm on vacation (holiday for my foreign friends).

Actually Buck, I'm only in my early 40's. I really wish I didn't have all of the health problems I have, but it's my little cross to bear so I will. I won't go into all of the details. Mainly though I have a lot of back problems, including but not limited to, multiple herniated discs, spurs on the vertabre and degenerative discs. I also have Addison's Disease, IBS and several other issues.

Most days I can keep it in proper perspective. I try to remember Philippians 4:11 that says "for I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content". It doesn't always work, like yesterday for example. But we all have bad days.
Most days I can keep it in proper perspective. I try to remember Philippians 4:11 that says "for I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content". It doesn't always work, like yesterday for example. But we all have bad days.

BenOne, you bet we all have bad days. It may not make things better, but sometimes you just have to say something.

I hope you have some good days, too.

Buck, I'm finding out also that the older I get, the more things hurt. :eek:
BO, hope you feel better soon..
I'm cleaning the walls and purging the house of things we don't use or need. It was a lot easier to climb on a ladder last year. It's taking me a little longer than usual. Oh wait, that might have something to do with the internet. :)
I get happy every Saturday.When I reach the end of my pill box.Cause that means I made it another week that I thought I wouldn't.:beerbang::beerbang:
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