I'm back --- and Big Dawg results are up.


Plank Owner
Sep 18, 2001
Deep in the heart of Texas
Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Managed to sneak away to 'Dega for a little while. Went through the museum --- was sad to not see any #3 car. Richard has pulled them all in. Sure hope he lets Miss Betty(the librarian) have one for the collection in the future.

Got the son married and hoofed it on back home. Got in late last night. Been trying to catch up with the mail, the wash, and the grocery shopping today.
bowtie, I searched high and low, not one #3 to be seen at 'Dega. Unless you count a wrecked 31 car, driven by Neil Bonnett that once was a 3.

The only DE car was an old #2 given to the museum by Dale.
'Bout broke my heart.
thats almost un-American. Kinda like no Bibles in Church.
I enjoy talking the librarian at the museum --- Miss Betty. She's a firey little old lady -- she'll get a car out of Richard, sooner or later.

She's told me hilarious stories about Dale and how Buddy Baker ripped his pants.
That is a hard one to believe TRL. You could have left the scores off this week,with the way I faired. :D Have a great evening. :)
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