I'm back --- I think.


Plank Owner
Sep 18, 2001
Deep in the heart of Texas
Tuesday night was absolutely the most frightened I've been in a long, long time. Just after 11PM the wind started blowing --- close to hurricane force I do believe. Lights went out about midnight --- came back on at midnight last night. 24 hours without AC is no fun at all.

Last night we did the whole thing all over --- just not quite as intense. The lightning was much worse, though.

Managed to save the food in the fridge and the freezer. A friend of mine didn't lose electricity, so I packed it all up and took it to her house. *whew*

Didn't lose any trees, but limbs and leaves to the max.

Crazy phone worked all during the storm and through the power-outage. Why it went out today with nothing but sunshine, I'll never know. Just came back on.

Hope everyone behaved.

Hope majestyx made it through OK. She's up between Dallas and Ft. Worth -- they got pounded. Some may not get lights until tomorrow.
Glad to see you made it safely.... I used to live in Lawton, OK and know exactly the type of storms you went through...
Glad to see you made it through.....we are under a tornado watch here in CO.Springs until 9pm MST tonight. Sky looks really eerie right now, and trees are still,kind of strange for the area of the Springs i live in.
I know exactly what you went through TRL. They came straight down I-20 from Texas. Pretty nasty stuff.
Nope... but i heard that movie has great special effects, some one i know went to see it last weekend and said it was good.
TRL glad to hear that you are still in one peace. We had some strong storms come through but they weren't that bad.
TRL, I am back, again. After surveying some of the damage around town, the damage we received was purely cosmetic! Within about a half mile from my house, the wind (possible tornado) damaged some 20 apartments sending the occupants looking for another place to reside. Some even had vehicle damage to boot! :( Then on past the apt. complex, it took the roof off of several businesses (Hobby Lobby, Dollar Tree and Dollar General Store) on the main highway thru town! Those were the largest and most extensive areas of damage in town. The ironic things is that I can draw lines on a map that puts all of this pretty much in line with my house, and it appears that the wind got worse once it passed over us! We lost one of the exhaust turbins and some shingles from our roof and a tree in the back yard. All in all, we were pretty lucky! Just waiting on the insurance company to send someone out to just take a look at the roof to make sure that everything is okay. Oh, and for the electricity portion, we were in the dark for about 11 hrs. Tues. nite to Wed. morning, and then the second wave hit last nite and the electricity went out again around 11:30 last nite and came back on around 4:30 this afternoon! Had to crank up the generator to save the groceries in the fridge and freezers! ;)

I've been worried about my internet friends with all that nasty weather. Happy to hear you are OK!
T.R.L., glad your o.k. ....ummm, well I sort have been running amuck around here, didn't the FCC call you? :p
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