I'm back to



My friday started off innocently enough. I had taken the day off to put my wife's new built-in dishwasher in. We have never had one so I knew hacking out cabinets and hard-wiring and hooking up supply lines and drainage lines would be a big job. I started out at like 10am on this mission. I took a few breaks in there to file taxes, eat, etc. By 11pm(yes pm!) I had it all installed. When I turned the main hot water valve for the house back on to check for leaks I discovered the main valve had broken. I got mad and broke the plumbing around it trying to fix it. I then went to Wal-Mart hoping they had what I needed to repair the plumbing. Of course they didn't. So at around 12:30am I gave up and went to bed since I had a meeting at work this morning at 7:00 am. I then decided to knock off work early and since I had to replace the lines anyway I might as well replace the hot water tank. I've been wanting to replace it with a bigger one for quite a while. We had a 30 gallon tank. I put in a 50 gallon tank I bought at Lowes (like a good 48 fan should right?). When I got it installed it leaked like a sive(sp?). The tank was broken! So I went to Home Depot and got one and installed it. Finally at 10:30 or so pm I have sat down for the first time in like two days. I'm not sure if this is very interesting to any of you, but it is kind of theraputic to share such a lousy experience with somebody else. :blink:
Plumbing and Fergy do not mix. I tried to replace a pipe before...It got really ugly, really quick.
I am many things. I have a college education, and I like to think that I possess my share of common sense as well. I am kind to animals, I hold doors for others, and I know my way around a sound board, can even wire a band for sound using a 64 channel board without hesitation.

I, however, have never once been mistaken for Bob Vila.

I know precious little about plumbing. I know less about electricity. That's why the light fixture in the den that fell out of the ceiling (don't ask) over two months ago is still sitting against a wall, and we rely on a lamp to see our way across this room. I'm smart enough to know that I know just enough to burn this place to the ground if I mess with wiring. Odd that I can hook up anything dealing with sound, but the flow of electricity baffles me. Oh well. It ain't THAT dark in here.

I admire folks who will jump into a project like you did. I'm always afraid I'll make a bad situation worse. That statement can be corroborated by dozens of people who have WATCHED me make them worse too. :D

Anybody know a cheap electrician?
Thanks TNW. I was raised to not pay anybody to do something when you can do it yourself. Yes we were poor, but we learned a lot about the value of doing it yourself. Every time I get into a project like this I learn something. I once rented a Bobcat without a clue as to how to operate it. Two hours later though, I was moving earth like a pro. It was actually pretty fun too. Electricity is not a friend of mine either. I've only electricuted myself once, but that was enough to remember to be extra careful about turning off breakers every time before making a connection.
A local plumbing company here has the slogan:"we repair what your husband fixed"......which seems to amuse My wife to no end.I find it less than funny.

And TWF----aint no such thing as a cheap electrician!

Originally posted by 97forever@Feb 23 2003, 01:01 PM
A local plumbing company here has the slogan:"we repair what your husband fixed"......which seems to amuse My wife to no end.I find it less than funny.

And TWF----aint no such thing as a cheap electrician!

A local plumbing company here has a slogan on their trucks that says "a straight flush beats a full house any day". Not relevant to this discussion, but amusing nonetheless.
I've gotta chime.I'm not a fix it person either.A while back,I was doing my laundry.Took a break to eat lunch when water covered my feet.I opened the door to see water pouring out of the wall.I had the dryer on at the time.I ran out,mom quickly shut dryer off.I was mad b/c she took a chance of getting electricuted.Thankfully she didn't.as she shut water off to house I called fire dept.Those cute guys were a wrecking crew.but all turned out well.needed a new valve for the hose.
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