Im Board



I have to stay home all day and wait for the cable people to get here. They got to dig up my yard and put the cable line in again since the lighting got it sSunday night. So I am on the board posting away since I aint got nothing better to do. I dont want to get in to watching a movie cause being my luck when it gets to the good part, I will have to stop watching it since the cable man will have to shut my cable off so he can put the new mine in.
I know what you mean about watching a movie and getting interrupted. It never fails, I get go the good part and the phone rings. Or the weather gets bad and the satellite goes out. Grrrrrrrr
Originally posted by TexasRaceLady@Jun 18 2003, 02:39 PM
I know what you mean about watching a movie and getting interrupted. It never fails, I get go the good part and the phone rings. Or the weather gets bad and the satellite goes out. Grrrrrrrr
I ended up watching some good movie and right when it got to the good part, there was a knock on the door, which led to me losing my cable and having my yard get dug up
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