I'm confused



I know the TV coverage starts at 12 tomorrow, but what time does the actual race start? The radio and TV brodcasts start at different times, so I'm confused as to whether actual race (not pre-race) coverage begins at 12:30pm or 1:00pm. Can anyone clear this up for me?
I think closer to 1..pretty sure i heard DW say pre show was an hour tommorrow...
Okay, thanks. I don't see why they would need a 1-hour prerace show for Talladega when it's 30 minutes for the other races, but I never watch prerace anyway, so I guess it's a moot point for me.
yer welcome..not sure why they double sized it...maybe fox is outta infomercials to show before hand... :lol:
Our FOX Station always shows raceline right before the race, they had it this morning before the BGN race instead
Yup, we get a whole hour of boring blah, blah, blah from DW & Fox. :lol: Set your VCR for 1 pm, unless you're Central like me, then it's noon.
Yeh and set your clock ahead too for day light saving.
I too remember DW saying something about an hour long prerace show. But you know DW says something I try to tune him out. But I think there is actually a reason, a specific topic they are planning on discuss for the hour. But for the life of me I an't rmember what it is. I try to recall what DW said and all I can remember is, BLah, Blah Blah. :p

Originally posted by Mopardh9@Apr 6 2003, 12:53 AM
Yeh and set your clock ahead too for day light saving.
WHAT????Why dont they put that on the news?Why do they even do that?What time is it anyway?Do computers auto-adjust for this...or is it Y2K all over again! :blink:
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