I'm getting a "TD" complex



I was browsing through posts that I've made to see if I've missed any responses..... I am one heck of a thread killer!! Some of those threads were going pretty good til I got there. Are ya'll ignoring me ?? You trying to tell me something??

For those of you that know what "facetious" means, you'll know how to take this post.

I looked up facetious for anybody else who doesn't know what the word means:)

fa·ce·tious : Playfully jocular; humorous

Yes, I know facetious but not "TD complex".

Tired Debater
Too Droll
Tobacco Dribble
Torpedo Detonator
Taco Dancer
Terrible Driver
Testicle Diaper
Toad Dentures
Tall Dude
Tornado Duster
or maybe even
Turbo Diesel

Tired Deabter works well for me. Usually I'm more tired when I wake up then when I go to sleep...
Hay don't feel bad Penskegirl. We have all had post that didn't get the responce that we expected. Just keep on posting.
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