I'm home and exhausted



How do you get so tired being in a hospital bed for 5 days? I've been x-rayed, C-T scanned, MRI'd, ultra sounded, nuke stress test on my heart and enough blood drawn to float a aircraft carrier. What'd they find? Nuttin. That's what concerns me the most. While overweight I'm not diabetic, my good HDL is well into the good range, my bad LDL is well into acceptable limits. My total cholesteral is 136. My heart does show some damage from my 2 attacks 14 years ago but its very minimum. No leaky valves. The burn sensation I get at times in my left lung is scar tissue from when I had pneumonia, never knew I ever had pneumonia. Blood Oxygen level runs 92-94 and thats with my COPD. Blood pressure averages 105/65.

"So Doc, why'd I have this mini stroke" "Beats the chit outa me"

The guys on the rescue were tops, so were the ER personal. I can't say enough good things over the team of docs I had and the nurses I had were truly Angels. I've already sent a letter to the head of nursing commending them,,,not that I really want to see them again under the same circumstances.

Looks like I was real lucky and have recovered with no ill effects.

Thanks for all the kind words and prayers.
Glad to have you back, SST. Was kinda quiet around here without you. :)

At the least the doc was honest when he said he didn't know. He could of fed you a line of bull.
Glad you back and feeling better even though you don't know the cause. Get some rest, take care of yourself, and we will all be here waiting for your quick wit when your ready ;)
Welcome back SST. Take care of yourself and do what the doc tells you. You were missed by many.
Welcome back you old coot! :) Sometimes life just isn't fair and that's the way it is. Many years ago when I lived up north, I knew this doctor who was a health fanatic and kept himself in the best of physical condition. He would run five miles every day and the normal 30 to 45 minutes of exercise. One day while doing his morning run, he died of a massive heart attack. His wife said that all of his tests and readings were normal and she just couldn't understand why he died at such an early age (I believe he was 43). We are all just glad that you are back with us and appear to be in great shape with those few exceptions. Though we told him, thank you son again for us for letting us know about your situation. I'd offer you a beer but it might not be the best of times for that. :)
Welcome back, SST! My dad went through the same thing a few years ago. My sis-in-law who is a nurse and myself both believe it was just a low blood sugar attack since they kept him for days and didn't find a thing either. He was fine afterward, too. Hope you'll be feeling better every day!

(I stay out of that awful Podium area. LOL I like all of you way too much to discuss politics with any of you. heh heh)
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