I'm new here



Hello all,

I've been hanging around this board for a couple of months but this is my first post. I really like the way people on this forum (for the most part) respect differences of opinion and one another. I'd like to introduce myself and look forward to getting to know you all.

I'm a married, have 1 son, love sports, by profession I'm a psychotherapist, live in Texas, and enjoy most forms of racing though I don't really like street courses (they excite me about as much as going to the dentist) My favorite drivers are: Sarah Fisher, Carl Edwards, Rusty Wallace(cuz he's an old guy and I like drinking Miller Lite) and I always cheer for underdogs. As unpopular as it may be around here, I have to say, I'm not a Dale Jr fan. I have strong opinions on a number of things, dislike dirty driving/drivers, and won't hesitate to comment/criticize my favorites (or your favorites) when they do boneheaded things.

I look forward to joining interesting conversations ya'll have around here. :cheers:

Oops, I forgot a significant part, I also spent 20 years in the Army. Thank you to all the Vets and active duty folks out there!!!
Welcome to the board Donovan! God knows a good psychotherapist could come in handy around here! (And this isn't my real avatar btw---Damn that Bowtie)

Sorry man, I HAD to say it!

Seriously, welcome to the board! Hope to see you post often. :beerbang: :D
97 is right. Welcome to the board. A lot of people on this board needs help. Look at 97's avatar and you can see. He really, really , really needs help. :)
Hello Donovan and welcome.Ur not the only poster here that's not a Dale Earnhardt Jr. lover.LOL.

I'm Dave and live in Ohio(near Dayton),am 46 years old(feel like 73 somedays),am a general laborer in the manufacturing field,am single and have no kids.
MY fave track types are the road courses andshort tr acks with the 1-1.366 mile venues not far behind.My fave drivers are Jeff Gordon(big surprise there,eh?),Jerry Nadeau(get well soon),Rusty Wallace,Jimmie Johnson and Brian Vickers.
Welcome, Donovan. :)
Pull up a couch and visit a spell. Keg's in the corner, cups are on the shelf.

I live in Palestine, in East Texas. After teaching 7th graders for 30 years, I could probably use a little psychotherapy. ;)

I'm a huge Dale Jr. fan, but have no problem with criticism. He has done some bone-headed things. LOL

Now, fasten your seat belts --- moving this to Chit-Chat.
Welcome aboard, Donovan! Great to have another Texas dweller here! I live in Burleson, just south of Fort Worth. And, I guess my avatar gives away who my driver of choice is, although it started with Jeff Gordon. I like Dale Jr. but he's not my favorite. I have no problems with someone calling a driver out for a boneheaded move! ;)

Oh, and a good psychotherapist is just what we need around here! So, like TRL said, keg's in the corner, cups on the shelf. Grab a cold one and post away! And, you have to excuse 97forever. That IS his choice of avatar. He just claims that he lost a bet! :D
Welcome to board Donovan!! :beerbang: I'm one of those big bad Jr fans here though I like most drivers in the series........that's not to say there are few out there that I would rather not win (or even place well :p ). But that has more to do with team owners than the drivers!! :D

Oh, and that keg? Ya know, of course, it's Budweiser!! :) :)
thank you all for the warm welcome. I'm beginning to think I might've screwed myself by including my profession :)
Not a chance man. :beerbang: Just wait till Bowtie and Fergy come along (they both have real issues.)

Uhh...and speaking of issues...my regular avatar is a big, well, eye. That is fairly normal, right? It's not like Cyclops syndrome or nothing?
Hi Donovan .... welcome to the board. You will fit in just fine here !!!!

Make yourself at home and post when you can !!!!

Welcome Donovan... as you get to know us, you'll see that most of us are in need of therapy.:beerbang: Enjoy your time here, pull up a keyboard and grab a cold one.
Welcome to the board Donavan. I've got one question thought. If you like rooting for the old guys and the underdogs, why are you a fan of Rusty Wallace? Oh, I forgot, you like old guys and underdogs. Forget what I just said. :) Actually, as you probably can see, I say this in jest. When I really began to pay attention to NASCAR Cup racing, Rusty was a youngster and became a valiant veteran. I've been all over the board with this guy and while I'm pretty much an "anti" Rusty fan, it's hard for me to see him as an also ran. But I do like it! :cool:
Welcome Donovan...the only one you need to worry about, as the others have said is 97. He changes teletubbies with his mood...kind of like a mood ring. He's really fond of the purple one.

He told me next week he's planning on having an avatar of Barney.

Welcome again!
Glad to have another of the psychological arts among us. You are more degreed than I however...I ran out of patience! :p

From the sticks of Tennessee here, huge Ford fan, mainly Elliott Sadler. Loved Rusty ever since he punted Waltrip at The Winston. About the only people in a chebbie I can tolerate are Ward Burton (when he has a ride...) and the brothers Labonte. The rest are pretty much servents of Satan in my book. :D

If you get tired of the Budswill in the keg, I got some Rolling Rocks on ice over here in the Enlightened Corner...stop n' set a spell, we'll discuss Skinner. (B.F., not Mike...)
Wecome Donovan :beerbang: This is a great Forum, and I never mind critics. I like to agree to disagree, seriously dislike lack of respect (of which there is little here) and there are many wonderful people here. The door is always open, and would you mind coming to GA for a few swssions? :)
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