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The Raz Man

Hey y'all name's Josh. With the big JR news yesterday I figured it was high time I found a great place to talk racing, hope to see y'all around the forum!
Welcome Raz! Pull up a keyboard and have fun!


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Hey y'all name's Josh. With the big JR news yesterday I figured it was high time I found a great place to talk racing, hope to see y'all around the forum!

Whats up buddy. Yup this is the place for all things racing, if you have questions about anything just ask & someone here will get ya an answer...
Welcome to the forum Raz. Who's your driver(s) and where are you from?

Thanks y'all, me well I'm very much in love I'm hoping my Jenna will marry me one day, my driver is JR I'm a really backwads kinda fan; I was introduced to the sport by my aunt and uncle back in 04 so at the time I knew nothing about its history. I was just told pick a driver who looks like a winner to you, and so I watched my first speedweeks and choose him slimply because I loved how dertermined he seemed. It wasn't until after the 04 500 that I became a full time member of JR nation and became hooked. I learned of SR and everything else racing from there.

I'm from Dayton, Ohio, I live in Kettering to be exact. I'm 27 soon to be 28 in november and I have cebral palsy.
Raz, welcome to the best racing BS place on the net. :) Of course, I'm a bit biased here.

It's nice to hear of someone who likes Jr. not because of what his name is, but who he is. I'm an old faht who's been a racing fan for many years and I also disliked his father, but for some reason, the kid got to me and I took a liking to him. Though he's not my favorite, Kahne is, I root for Jr. probably next and then that rascally Jeffy Gordon.

Good luck with your lady and enjoy your stay here.
Thanks and yeah it really makes me mad that people think JR's only fanbase is SR's fans. I'm living proof it's not.
There are a bunch of Junior fans here (I was pulling for him to make the Chase). Just wait 'til he is full time at Hendricks with my guy Jeff!
I know I was so pumped that he choose Hendrick because I truely believe he will win championships now. Jeff and Jimmie are proof of what the right equitment does for a driver.
Question are there any graphic makers here? EDIT: nevermind getting a set made.
Hey Raz, Welcome! So you're from Ohio... A Buckeye fan, I hope? I am north of ya, outside of Findlay.
JR fan...
Don't worry us non JR fans won't hold that against ya! LOL Enjoy the forums!
Y'all like my set? The blend has text but I guess here you have to scroll down to see it.
Raz, you'll like DeeDee until you find out that she's a big Tony fan. :)

Sorry DeeDee, I couldn't resist. But me lady, why haven't you said anything about those mighty Wolverines about their big loss a few weeks ago?
The only reason I mentioned blue ia that Josh Blue is one of my favortie comics and he has cp.
Ha Tony's a good driver, there's no reason to dislike someone just cuz that root for someone else.
Ha Tony's a good driver, there's no reason to dislike someone just cuz that root for someone else.

Hmmmm, wait till you get to know my friend DeeDee. She's ... no, I'm not going to say it. Let's just say that I'm glad that I'm on her good side. :cool:

DeeDee, I'm just pulling your chain. :beerbang:

Raz, don't pull her chain...I'm warning you. ;)
Raz, what Buck is trying to tell you is I am a sweet little angel. (LOL I couldn't even type that with a straight face.) :p
Tony is THE MAN, too bad he is leaving Chevy next year.... I'm a chevy girl...
As far as that place up north... couldn't have happened to a better team. ;)
Raz, what Buck is trying to tell you is I am a sweet little angel. (LOL I couldn't even type that with a straight face.) :p
Tony is THE MAN, too bad he is leaving Chevy next year.... I'm a chevy girl...
As far as that place up north... couldn't have happened to a better team. ;)

Ha funny DeeDee and thanks Magnethead
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