I'm retired! -oh wait, nevermind...I changed my mind



This is a hot topic on a lot of sports boards.
Personally, I'm real sick of athletes in any sport retiring with great fan fare and then unretiring when it's convenient for them. Obviously Brett Favre is the one in the news lately but this isn't new. On this board, Mark Martin is someone else who pops in your mind immeadiately. I'm not underestimating how difficult it must be to stop doing what you've done for years and when you are an athlete there's a certain lifestyle that goes with your career that is no longer possible when you retire. But come on! This is the new trend and fans are getting annoyed. I respect in NASCAR how you may choose to come out of retirement to say race the Daytona 500 every year or some special event--not get hired by a team to use get their car in the field. Somewhow that cheapens thet athlete's reputation to me. Anyway, I could go on and on but I'll stop for now...
I couldn't care less about Favre ---- I'm just tired of hearing about him.

Sure can tell that you are a teacher saying "couldn't care less". These days, that might well be considered wrong since the usage now is "could care less". One of my biggest pet peaves, but c'est la viv.
As a Green Bay Packers fan, I'm ready for it to be over myself. I'm ready to just move on...
Brett was traded to the New York (although they play in New Jersey) Jets.

I think their rally cry just went from "J-E-T-S, JETS, JETS, JETS" to "I-N-T-S, JETS, JETS, JETS".
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