Im Sorry...



I did not think my signiture was going to cause so much controversey(sp) and did not mean nothing wrong by it. It was a bumper sticker that my friend gave me and i liked it. I am not racist and don't have anything agenst the north. I am just southern. Like I said I am sorry and if anyone elese was offended by this and this apology is not good enough send me a privet message and we will talk about it.
put a sticky on this, I want to make sure everyone gets to read this so no one elese hates me after today
I just need to come up with a new signiture cause that was my only one
hey,I missed it.I was fighting off the farts.What did you do ?and how did you manage to get into trouble?
please dont get me started read the judge thing and youll understand im redneck that will give you a hint
Originally posted by pettyfan4life
put a sticky on this, I want to make sure everyone gets to read this so no one elese hates me after today

I don't think anyone hates you......I don't.....I don't hate anyone on the forum, I think everyone is pretty nice........
so forget it and have some fun now..........:)
i aint gonna get started on this no more im too tired to get on who hates me
No one hates you here pettyfan. In fact, I'm going to go out on a limb and say no one is even upset about your former signature. Do a search on for outrageous quotes if you are looking for funny or controversial (some borderline on inappropriate) or quotable quotes.........there are tons that would make good signatures.
naw i aint gonna have a new one i liked mine but it made people mad so be it
Maybe pettyfan didn't go to that site, fergy, but I did!!:) Thanks.:D
i did but still I dont think I will get another signiture unless paul makes it manditory to have them since he is the owner
Originally posted by pettyfan4life
i did but still I dont think I will get another signiture unless paul makes it manditory to have them since he is the owner

Nope, its not mandatory....just trying to help ya out some.
I don't think anybody is mad at you. I know I'm not.
There have been signatures on the forum in the past that were far worse than yours.
The sig. didnot offend me. but it was good that you took it off anyway. You can come up with another good one.
pettyfan, majority of your signature was fine. I just didn't much care for the cotton thing. If you remove just that part of it, I think the rest will be okay. Try that and see. There are no hard feelings toward you, and NOONE on this board hates you!
Guess I missed it. I don't pay attension to the signatures that much?
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