Today was again a busy day for me here at Buck's Medical Center (notice how hospitals are no longer called hospitals but rather medical centers). It started off very early...about 3:30. The alarm went off as planned and I gave Red her meds. After about 30 minutes (emptying the various drainage tubes and such) I turned out the lights and hit the rack again. The next thing I know, I hear some noise and turn to ask Red what was the matter. She wasn't in bed, but had worked herself out of bed and headed for the bathroom. She had removed the Foley the night before. I hustled to the bathroom and chewed her out for doing this on her own. She told me to calm down but I didn't. She wanted the dressing changed so I did that and again turned the lights out and tried to get back to sleep, knowing that in less than an hour, I'd be right back up again.
She had an appointment with the doctor this morning so I drove her to see him. In the meantime, I noticed that our furnace again wasn't working, after paying out the wazoo for a new heat exchanger. I called the HVAC people while at the doctor's office and made an appointment for a tech to come and check it out. That turned out to be a sort of false report, but yet it wasn't. The AC is low on freon and that would cause the problem. We don't have AC now, but at least we have the heat.
After the doc, we headed back home. The wife is definately feeling better as she has begun to fuss about things. I am at her beck and call and told her that she was looking good. That calmed her down and she kept me busy with this and that until later in the afternoon, the daughter and her husband dropped by with some soup and ice cream. I've gotta say that the daughter is becoming quite the cook. Very surprising to the wife and me, but welcome none the less. While Emilie was talking to her mother, I was chatting deep conversations with her husband. Anyone for quantum physics?

Anyway, we had a good chat and then Red's brother dropped by with their mother's walker, which would work wonders for Red. The kids left and brother and sister had a nice chat. Once the brother left, it was time to get down to some serious business. She wanted to bathe, so we had to remove the girdle and other outter wear and somehow hold up the tubes and bulbs and she stood at the sink and cleaned up. During this time, I washed the outter garments and then helped her back into bed. An hour later, it was time for meds again and the garments were dry. During this period, I was trying to watch a movie, "Flyboys". Got her all finished and tucked her in as she said that she was finally tired. I'm barely able to hold my eyes open as well, but I wanted to finish the movie. When it was over, I came here and am now waiting for the 11:30 meds time (very soon now). Once I give her those, I'm hitting the rack to start all over again. Oh yeah, she finally got to see herself in the mirror and is amazed at the flat tummy she has.