Important Info on my Fantasay League



I have decided that I will most likely NOT run my league. I did not get that very many people intrested in joining it so Unless I get a lot more I will NOT do it. Plus there are already about four or five leagues being runned on these boards so I will not add to the confusion. Sorry if any of ya'll were looking forward to it.
I don't know if I will get my game here or not as well. There has not been too much interst in mine. I will try it the first week and if noone playes then I will not do it here, just do it at 4 other boards. i am unable to play it at
It was like I started mine in mid December and then other people did and paul gave them stickys or their own boards and mine just floted away but oh well life happens
you just got to push it. I try to mention somethign about it in my trivia game. The other problem is you posted it so long ago. I posted my rules just the other day for the first time. To be honest i don't even remember what you game was like.
I still got the sheet but I aint gonna do it It will get too confusing with the other people on the forum
I signed up for the sportingn news game. Which one of you had that? Right now I am running 5 Yahoo games and this one. I have to switch over to IE from Netscape to get SN to load correctly.
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