In car caution lights and tail lights



Dashboard Caution Lights Coming? Tail Lights too? NASCAR vice president of communications Jim Hunter says that series officials are looking at the possibility of adding dashboard caution lights and functioning tail lights to cars. The caution lights, which already are being used in other racing series, could be used to quickly warn drivers to slow down for accidents; a yellow light would be mounted on each car's dashboard and could be activated by NASCAR officials. As it stands, drivers must rely on their team spotters, trackside yellow lights or the official at the start/finish line to determine when officials have issued a caution. The lights could be a safety improvement, but officials remain concerned that they could lead to more timing and scoring disputes between teams and NASCAR. Having functioning taillights on race cars, meanwhile, would be a radical change. They could play a marginal role in helping a driver avoid plowing into the car in front of him, an issue on restarts during several recent races. But drivers likely would not want the driver behind them able to tell precisely when they were braking heading into a turn; that would allow the trailing driver to better judge where passing might be easier.(USA Today)(7-27-2004)
I like the in car caution light, but don't like the brake light thing.
can you imagine a brake light coming on going in to turn 3 at Talladega running 200 mph?
I said several weeks ago, put a central brake light inside the car. It is a safety feature...
Originally posted by Eagle1@Jul 27 2004, 09:53 AM
I like the in car caution light, but don't like the brake light thing.
Caution light on the dash like the ones in the Indy Car's is way overdue...a brake light! Are you &@#$ kinding me??....a driver will use that 'tap' the brake deal just to mess with the guy behind him, come on this is racing! What's next turn signals for when entering pit lane? :rolleyes:
If I recall the official NASCAR party line on the in-car caution lights from earlier in the year, they were working on an encryption system to transmit the signal to trigger the lights as they were concerned about accidental or malicious trigger of the system.
I, too, agree on the caution light thing; but certainly NOT
on the brake light thing. Can you imagine restarts?????
Talk about tangeled messes. All them boys will be
tappin them brakes just to try to fool the guy behind them.
And what happens when a rear end bump is unpreventable???
There goes the brake lights anyway!!!!!
Whatta buncha
Caution light seems like a good idea, especially with this no race back to the yellow rule. Taillights would make it more like stock cars.
the tail lights should be rigged so that they light up when the driver LIFTS OFF OF THE ACCELERATOR, rather than when he applies the brakes.
Originally posted by TonyB@Jul 27 2004, 04:50 PM
If I recall the official NASCAR party line on the in-car caution lights from earlier in the year, they were working on an encryption system to transmit the signal to trigger the lights as they were concerned about accidental or malicious trigger of the system.
The ASA series has been using caution lights on the dash for two seasons now with minimal problems. Malicious? Now that's funny! :lol:
But he is correct. NASCAR was concerned that someone could hack into the system and turn the lights on, or off. Think of the mess that would make. Ask Carl.
Of course, if they do encrypt the signal so it couldn't be hacked there goes their excuse when someone screws up and turns the lights on accidentally.
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