In Honor of Greg's Finish...



which is 31st, wont you guys be holding a special GBFC meeting? B)
Hell yeah! And a welcome addition...wonder if old Under can dance?? :lol: :lol: Bowtie just aint getting it! :cheers:
Actually, No. Got some new things going, I call it "NOBIFF"


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hey 97 dont the rules state, that no matter if you are a biffel fan or not if you post in the GBFC or start a biffel topic your in the club for life? ^_^ ^_^
For life plus 50 years actually. Good point, Lap. we have Lappy and Happy??? That is confusing. :lol: :lol: :wacko:
just call me Lap or Nick...but not slick....haha :lol: ^_^ :unsure:

Hey Happy, glad to have ya aboard and with you taker? B)
Originally posted by 97forever@Apr 4 2004, 07:25 PM
Hell yeah! And a welcome addition...wonder if old Under can dance?? :lol: :lol: Bowtie just aint getting it! :cheers:
I'm more of a bar holder upper.

And Biffle is ok in my book. I just liked Happy's smarta$$ remark.

Where did Harv finish again Happy?
Actually, Harvick rallied pretty good.

Biffle is ok,but the whole thing started when Shady promised if I recovered from my surgery she would start a club in Gregs honor. Hell, I will be here from now on. :cheers: Even if I am the only member. :lol:
Biffle was doing good, until I believe an engine problem plagued him and forced him to go down a considerable amount of laps.
Well, I gotta waddle off onto other subjects, talk to you GBFC guys later.
Biffle was doing ok untill he had problems. A Roush car with engine problems unbelivable. :lol:
well, I knew Happy couldn't stand it. Finally had to come kick it with the cool folks. The KHFC (not to be confused with Kentucky Fried Chicken) seems to be getting pretty lame. ^_^

Oh yeah, welcome Taker. :cheers:
Originally posted by bowtie@Apr 4 2004, 05:44 PM
well, I knew Happy couldn't stand it. Finally had to come kick it with the cool folks. The KHFC (not to be confused with Kentucky Fried Chicken) seems to be getting pretty lame. ^_^

Oh yeah, welcome Taker. :cheers:
You're Biffle fans, you cant be cool, instead of kicking it, it's supposed to be PAR-TAY. :p :D :eek:
Originally posted by Happy29+Apr 4 2004, 07:46 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Happy29 @ Apr 4 2004, 07:46 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--bowtie@Apr 4 2004, 05:44 PM
well, I knew Happy couldn't stand it. Finally had to come kick it with the cool folks. The KHFC (not to be confused with Kentucky Fried Chicken) seems to be getting pretty lame.&nbsp; ^_^

Oh yeah, welcome Taker.&nbsp; :cheers:
You're Biffle fans, you cant be cool, instead of kicking it, it's supposed to be PAR-TAY. :p :D :eek: [/b][/quote]
I have more cool in my little finger than you have in your body. In the south we say "kickin it". ^_^
I see we have two new members!!! Glad to see you both :)

So Bow we've been Kickin it at the parties!! I didn't know we were sooo cool!!!
Didnt you guys indoctrinate me into your fan club a long time ago?
I dunno if I've ever been "kickin it" in one of these meetings, but I sure would like to kick that rule book out the window. <_<
So would I, to hell with that rule that says I am trapped in here for life, it's like life without parole! :lol:
hmmm, i know a little parly....

I would like to make and admidment to the rule book that says we can leave when we want to?

(pssttt some one 2ed that....then we vote)

question....(that means we vote)

all in favor of leting members leave when they want to say I........all not in favor say na,,,,,,

I :lol:
Hell No, we wont go! That rule that locks us in gotta go! LOL :lol:
Dee has been working on an escape plan forever! Fortunately, they have all been foiled!! :lol:

( that even a word?)
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