IndyCar -Panther Racing Owner Fined



John Barnes, owner of Panther Racing has been fined $25,000 and placed on probation until December 31st. The reason for this was for posting a comment about Indycar on Twitter. They said the rule it violated was..

Pursuant to Rule of the 2012 IZOD IndyCar Series rulebook: Using improper, profane or disparaging language or gestures in reference to Officials, Members or actions or situations connected in any way with INDYCAR, the IZOD IndyCar Series or any Event.

Here is the twitter comment he made...

"Today is the day to resolve TURBOGATE! I hope @indycar gets their act together. It has been embarrassing. "

I think he is right on and sometimes the truth hurts. Not sure whether they will appeal it yet or not.
I think the fine is BS. Honda has been building Indy Car motors exclusively for how long? Why should Chevrolet be penalized for the job they've done? Honda had the same options and rules to work with. Didn't really help them today though anyway
I agree with Barnes comments but I agree that he should have been fined as well. IndyCar is in no position to have one of the owners casting doubt on it's legitimacy. And it turns out that this entire "TURBOGATE" ordeal was much ado about nothing.
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