IndyCar Reinstates Push-to-Pass

If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

I agree. I was hoping everyone had forgotten about push to pass. They've done great with the DW12, and there really isn't a need for this anymore.

Overall though, I don't think it's that big a deal. At least they aren't doing it on ovals, where it was ultimately pointless.

My biggest issue is that I've never been able to find a straight answer as to what exactly it does. All I can gather is that it has something to do with fuel mixture and spark timing.
Just seems silly to me they want to go back to.this for any race. To me its gimmick racing.
They have a very good show already at most tracks , i can't see the need to bring back the push to pass . Racing doesn't need more manipulation from sanctioning bodies . I think the DRS system in F1 is just as silly . If the cars can't pass each other , the cause needs to be addressed , not covered over with a gimmick .
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