Inglourious Basterds



Anyone planning on seeing "Inglourious Basterds" this weekend?

I'm a big fan of Quentin Tarantino's films, and spaghetti westerns in general, so this film has a lot of appeal for me.
I heard a review on this this morning. He said that it is worth seeing because Pitt did an awesome job. Also a German actor in it was really good. But he did say something about the woman who came from Germany, I guess she is part of the story? Anyway the parts with this woman weren't that good.
I want to see it, Quentin Tarantino always trips me out.
i'm going to see it but i doubt this weekend, i'm broke. i've heard nothing but praise for Brad Pitt and that German actor whose in it. Don't remember his name tho.
I usually don't like movies that seem this stupid. But, the trailers do look really funny.

I might see it if it hits the cheap movies, but more than likely I will just rent it.
Anyone see it, and if so, what did you think?

I didn't get a chance to get to the movies this weekend.
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