Instruments you play?


Team Owner
Sep 18, 2011
How many of you play or sing? List your progress here and also if you have a CD or song you can post please do so.....Hope this is in the right place.......I play Pedal Steel, Bass, Mandolin and Rhythm. I have a Home Studio which consist of Zoom 8 track and everything that you need to record a song etc. I have played with several Country Music peeps such as John Conlee, Faron Young. I quit playing on the road because it took time from my regular job. I never made enough in music to make a good living so all I do now is make demos for a few people...Just fun around the house since I retired.....
I play a little Gutiar, Banjo and Mandolin. Mostly Blugrass. Play and sing often in church. But enjoy just jamming with friends mostly. Play a little rock and Country.Never really cared to play in a band, just like to play when I'm in the mood. Best time is when we go camping in the mountains and everyone gathers in a circle and jams. Meet alot of new friends that way and hear a variety of different types of music.
I play a little Gutiar, Banjo and Mandolin. Mostly Blugrass. Play and sing often in church. But enjoy just jamming with friends mostly. Play a little rock and Country.Never really cared to play in a band, just like to play when I'm in the mood. Best time is when we go camping in the mountains and everyone gathers in a circle and jams. Meet alot of new friends that way and hear a variety of different types of music.

Yep, that's great friend. I had rather do demos and just mess around at home than do gigs any time. The Amp and Steel weigh too much to pack around and it don't pay enough to pay a roadie...


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Good job Dwayne, looks like a keeper. I built my Elec Bass couple years ago. I wanted a more Bass Piano sound and I got it from building it out of White Oak. W Oak is hard to work with but I finally got it. I also built a D 10 pedal Steel about 10 years ago but I'll never build another, tooooo many rods and parts to fiddle with since they have to be precision. I'll let the pros with the right tools build the Steels...:)
Good job Dwayne, looks like a keeper. I built my Elec Bass couple years ago. I wanted a more Bass Piano sound and I got it from building it out of White Oak. W Oak is hard to work with but I finally got it. I also built a D 10 pedal Steel about 10 years ago but I'll never build another, tooooo many rods and parts to fiddle with since they have to be precision. I'll let the pros with the right tools build the Steels...:)

Hey thank you. You built a Bass out of oak? Man that thing must weigh a I used brown ash and mine comes out at 8.5 lbs, I can't imagine what a oak bass would weigh but I bet it sounds awesome, the harder the wood the brighter the tone. I once saw a show on how pedal steel guitars are made and you are right allot of moving parts, bellcranks and do thingies,I would love to see it, got a pic? Any way I just used minwax polyurethane on mine as I didn't want to mess with fillers and paints I'm happy with it and the response from the local guitar shop has been awesome.
Thanks again
Hey thank you. You built a Bass out of oak? Man that thing must weigh a I used brown ash and mine comes out at 8.5 lbs, I can't imagine what a oak bass would weigh but I bet it sounds awesome, the harder the wood the brighter the tone. I once saw a show on how pedal steel guitars are made and you are right allot of moving parts, bellcranks and do thingies,I would love to see it, got a pic? Any way I just used minwax polyurethane on mine as I didn't want to mess with fillers and paints I'm happy with it and the response from the local guitar shop has been awesome.
Thanks again

Actually Dwayne, it don't weigh quite as much as my Fender Precision Bass. It's thinner and a tad smaller body. I'll send you a pix. I sold the Steel I built. I loved the sound and the mechanisms but not enough to turn down the offer from the guy that bought it. I figured up my time it took me to build it and it turned out I lost money if I had been making three dollars per hr,;) but I had fun building it....Have a good one friend and keep plucking away......Wynn
Hey thank you. You built a Bass out of oak? Man that thing must weigh a I used brown ash and mine comes out at 8.5 lbs, I can't imagine what a oak bass would weigh but I bet it sounds awesome, the harder the wood the brighter the tone. I once saw a show on how pedal steel guitars are made and you are right allot of moving parts, bellcranks and do thingies,I would love to see it, got a pic? Any way I just used minwax polyurethane on mine as I didn't want to mess with fillers and paints I'm happy with it and the response from the local guitar shop has been awesome.
Thanks again

Here is the Bass I built. Clear-coat.......The forum don't give enough kb to get a good pix of this.


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Here is a better one ......I just now figured out how to post a pix. lol


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I have a guitar but haven't learned to play it.

It takes time and patients Andy. Just make up your mind that you definitely want to learn and you can do it...Basic chords are first then you pick from there. You can pick up a chord chart at most any Music store. If you can't find one, let me know and I'll send you what you need to get started....Wynn
It takes time and patients Andy. Just make up your mind that you definitely want to learn and you can do it...Basic chords are first then you pick from there. You can pick up a chord chart at most any Music store. If you can't find one, let me know and I'll send you what you need to get started....Wynn

Just remember this:

Sweet! How do you switch between pickups?

Knobs 1 and 3 are like tone control which equalize the bass and highs. ...the center knob is volumn. Knob 3 is strictly bass pickup and knob 1 is strictly for mids and highs.....adjust to get the sound you desire.
How many of you play or sing? List your progress here and also if you have a CD or song you can post please do so.....Hope this is in the right place.......I play Pedal Steel, Bass, Mandolin and Rhythm. I have a Home Studio which consist of Zoom 8 track and everything that you need to record a song etc. I have played with several Country Music peeps such as John Conlee, Faron Young. I quit playing on the road because it took time from my regular job. I never made enough in music to make a good living so all I do now is make demos for a few people...Just fun around the house since I retired.....
I started this thread last year or maybe before that...didn't get a lot of response but enjoyed what we got.....if anyone has anything to add, go for it......Polarkid is here somewhere I believe.........
Bass player here. I switched over to the bass because I was so cb a crappy guitar player.heres my 68 Telecaster Bass and my cheapie Johnson. Perfect guitar for jamming with the fellers Around a campfire
I've been playing guitar and bass for a little over 30 years now. I also sing and write music as well. I mess around with the drums and piano/keyboards but I don't really play them.
Alto Sax, Tenor Sax, Baritone Sax. Also have done a song on Bass drum and am learning the flute
I'm still a weekend warrior and have played guitar off and on since '63 or so. I still have a '64 Strat (original owner), a 1974 Guild S100 (looks like a SG), a 1974 Martin Sunburst D 35, and a newer Les Paul Studio. The amps I have are Peavey Classic 30s and a Marshall JCM 900 combo. Oh, yeah, I'm dabbling with cigar box guitars too. They're a kick in the butt.
Cigar Box 2.jpg
Cigar Box.jpg
Cigar Box 2.jpg
I don't play any instruments, but I wouldn't mind learning how to play acoustic guitar.
I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket. When I was younger (much, much younger) my parents bought me a guitar and sent me for lessons. After 15 minutes, the guy handed them back their money and apologized. The only other time I've heard that same tone of voice was from a doctor telling a child's parents there was nothing more they could do but wait, and pray.
I don't play any instruments, but I wouldn't mind learning how to play acoustic guitar.
There's all kinds of tutorials on youtube. Just type in something like.............. beginning guitar to play guitar.......
There's stuff everywhere. I which there was a youtube when I was a kid.
I'm still a weekend warrior and have played guitar off and on since '63 or so. I still have a '64 Strat (original owner), a 1974 Guild S100 (looks like a SG), a 1974 Martin Sunburst D 35, and a newer Les Paul Studio. The amps I have are Peavey Classic 30s and a Marshall JCM 900 combo. Oh, yeah, I'm dabbling with cigar box guitars too. They're a kick in the butt.
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This is kick ass man, here's a pick of my room. The one hanging on the right is my first build, ash body Squire neck Seymore Duncans sounds and plays amazing, on the left is #2 mahogany, DiMarzio's, neck not the best but ok. Blue and black is a modified Epiphone Les Paul Jr. Duncan pickups. The Strat is Squire I put together with parts from two guitars, the neck is nicely aged and refretted, I stripped the poly finish off the body and reshot with matte black auto laquer, DiMarzio pickups, this thing is an animal! I have some build picks as well if interested.

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My son recently traded his Schecter Damien Elite 6 for a Mat Tuck signature BC Rich V like the one Tuck is playing in the picture. He is ecstatic with the trade at this point.

My son was playing his new V for me the other day and he played two chords together and I realized they were the first two chords to the song Flight Of Icarus by Iron Maiden so I grabbed his guitar and we figured out most of the song together pretty quickly. It was a really great bonding moment.

There's all kinds of tutorials on youtube. Just type in something like.............. beginning guitar to play guitar.......
There's stuff everywhere. I which there was a youtube when I was a kid.
You tube is fantastic. There's a video on how play just about every song out there.
Got a bug somewhere and decided to hook up the old Twin And Telecaster Bass and shook up the house. Haven't cranked it in a couple years. Felt good and sounded awesome. Hope I didn't shake the neighbors windows to bad.
Got a bug somewhere and decided to hook up the old Twin And Telecaster Bass and shook up the house. Haven't cranked it in a couple years. Felt good and sounded awesome. Hope I didn't shake the neighbors windows to bad.
They'll get over it :jamming: Yep, youtube is fantastic. All you have to do is type to play (insert song) and Wa La!!!!!!!!!
If I'd of had youtube when I was a kid, I'd be a rock star :D:D
They'll get over it :jamming: Yep, youtube is fantastic. All you have to do is type to play (insert song) and Wa La!!!!!!!!!
If I'd of had youtube when I was a kid, I'd be a rock star :D:D
I'd have to agree with that statement. I learned a lot of parts of songs from a lot of different guys I jammed with. We all did.
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