Interesting and Amazing

muggle not

Team Owner
Jun 21, 2003
Turn your sound up.

Watch the 2-minute video that shows a drop of water falling into a
puddle at 2000 frames a second.

You will see something totally unexpected. Although you have often seen
film or video such as this,

especially from "Doc" of M.I.T., it is the first time the physics of
the event are properly explained.
Very interesting in deed. When I studied physics in high school and college, we studied all things large and small. One of the things in that film is how gravity affects the drop of water and the water it is dropped into. And to think that gravity has the same affect on such huge things as a galaxy. When you start to study science, you just can't stop.

I could watch that little film over and over. Thanks Muggle
I'll never see a drop a water the same anymore.:D
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