Interesting look at pit crews


Team Owner
Apr 1, 2009
Western PA
Hendrick..... Who would have thought? :rolleyes:

An In-Depth Look at College and Pro Athletes on Pit Road

Over the last few years there has been a lot of talk about the influx of ex College/ Pro athletes making their way to pit road. All the major sports writers and media outlets have made note and mention about this, but no one really knew who or how many. Well, we did some major research to come up with the most accurate numbers available on ex C/P athletes on pit road and here is what we came up with.

There are 43 teams at every race. Our survey consisted of the top 37 teams on pit road. The last 6 teams are not regulars and have different crews depending on which team’s race and which ones don’t. The top 37 teams make up 222 total Crewmen on pit road. We get that number because there are 6 Crewmen that go over the wall per team. Out of those 222 Crewmen, 62 (28%) played in College or the Pro’s. Out of the top 37 teams, 31 teams (84%) have at least 1 ex C/P athlete on them. The organization with the most C/P athletes on pit road is Hendrick Motorsports. At the moment they have 12 Crewmen divided up between their 5,24,48, and 88 Cup teams. Out of the 37 teams, 19 (51%) had 2 or more C/P athletes on them.

Once we found out how many ex C/P athletes there were, we wanted to know where they all came from and their sports background. We found that 46 Colleges and Universities are represented on pit road at the current time. 8 of those schools have multiple athletes. Leading the way is Wake Forest University out of Winston Salem, NC with 5, followed by Lenoir Rhyne University out of Hickory, NC with 4. Out of those 62 C/P athletes, 39 were D1, 15 were D2, 4 were D3, and the rest were NAIA.

Now that you know about the schools, it’s time to find out what sports they all played. Leading the way with 45 of the 62 (72%) of the athletes is Football. Baseball is second with 10 (16%). In all, there are 7 different C/P sports being represented. Moving along, we wanted to know what position all these guys played before they got to pit road. In all there are 19 different positions the athletes played. Leading the way is Linebacker with 9 (14%) followed by Offensive Lineman at 7 (11%). Now that we know about all the past information we wanted to know what positions the ex C/P athletes are occupying on pit road. Here is what we came up with.

Gas Man and Jack Man are tied with the most at 16 athletes each, accounting for (52%). The other positions are broke down like this. Front Changer has 5, Front Carrier 9, Rear Changer 5, and Rear Carrier 10. It should come as no surprise that the Jack and Gas positions are leading the way. It makes perfect since being that Linebackers and O Linemen are the top recruited position. The two lowest are the Changer positions and for good reason. Ask any pit coach and they’ll tell you, Changing is the speed of your team and it takes a very long time to master.

We hope everyone enjoyed this article. We understand that there might be a few Crewmen we missed and we apologize for that. Pit road is always changing and we did the best we could to get it as accurate as possible. Below are links to pages that show the full list of our stats. Take some time to check them out and find out who went where and played what. See what athletes are on what teams and anything else that might interest you. Thanks and enjoy!

from here.
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