Investigation Into Tillman's Death


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Jun 11, 2002
Marietta, GA
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Army has opened a new investigation into the friendly fire death in Afghanistan of Pat Tillman, who quit the NFL to be a Ranger, officials said Monday. Army officials said Tillman's family sought additional information about circumstances of his April 22 death, but the fundamental account of the battle in which he was killed is not being challenged.

"The family asked questions, and we're looking to get answers to the questions," said Army spokesman Paul Boyce. Officials declined to be more specific.

The Army's Special Operations Command, based at Fort Bragg, N.C., is conducting the investigation, said command spokeswoman Carol Darby.

Then-acting Army Secretary Les Brownlee ordered the new investigation in mid-November based on the family's questions, Army officials said.

The results of original Army investigation were released on May 29.

It found that Tillman was shot to death on April 22 after a U.S. soldier mistakenly fired on a friendly Afghan soldier in Tillman's unit, and other U.S. soldiers then fired in the same direction.

Initial reports by the Army had suggested that Tillman was killed by enemy gunfire when he led his team to help another group of ambushed soldiers.

Tillman, 27, left his position as a starting safety for the Arizona Cardinals to join the Army after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. He was posthumously promoted from specialist to corporal and received posthumously a Purple Heart and Silver Star. The latter is among the military's highest honors, awarded for gallantry on the battlefield.

No soldiers faced judicial action as a result of his death, but several were disciplined, Darby said. One enlisted soldier faced formal administrative charges, and four more Rangers, including an officer, were transferred from the elite Ranger force to elsewhere in the Army. Two more officers were reprimanded, she said.

The military would not release additional details because the disciplinary actions were administrative, Darby said.

Copyright 2004 The Associated Press.
I read this in the Washington Post this morning. It is pretty sad when we cannot believe ANYONE in our government.

Just days after Pat Tillman died from friendly fire on a desolate ridge in southeastern Afghanistan, the U.S. Army Special Operations Command released a brief account of his last moments.

"He ordered his team to dismount and then maneuvered the Rangers up a hill near the enemy's location," the release said. "As they crested the hill, Tillman directed his team into firing positions and personally provided suppressive fire. . . . Tillman's voice was heard issuing commands to take the fight to the enemy forces."

It was a stirring tale and fitting eulogy for the Army's most famous volunteer in the war on terrorism, a charismatic former pro football star whose reticence, courage and handsome beret-draped face captured for many Americans the best aspects of the country's post-Sept. 11 character.

It was also a distorted and incomplete narrative, according to dozens of internal Army documents obtained by The Washington Post that describe Tillman's death by fratricide after a chain of botched communications, a misguided order to divide his platoon over the objection of its leader and undisciplined firing by fellow Rangers.
muggle not said:
I read this in the Washington Post this morning. It is pretty sad when we cannot believe ANYONE in our government.

Don't believe everything you read in the post. We have known this for a while and so has the family.
fergy1370 said:
Probably the same as any other new source.....

What difference does it make.... :rolleyes:
The people that WE PUT in office should be responsible enough to be truthful to us and should be held accountable.
Were they given the truth? Maybe the Army didn't want to pop the balloon of Tillman. Not knocking what he did by any means, he has more heart about his country than probably 2/3 the people living here. But maybe the Army though things were bad enough at home hearing how a few of our guys were dying while killing a bunch of badguys. The last thing they wanted to tell people was this hero was killed by friendly fire.... I could/can see several people and organizations using Tillman's unfortunate and accidental death as a means to try and do damage against other organizations...

But know one knows, and no one will ever.

And it doesn't matter who's in office.
fergy1370 said:
I could/can see several people and organizations using Tillman's unfortunate and accidental death as a means to try and do damage against other organizations...

As opposed to those who used his unfortunate death as a means to promote the war and probably several products and memorial items. What makes his death different from any of the other soldiers we have lost? Nothing. Why does it matter if someone was a football player or a father of three and died in Iraq, they are all heroes, right? Apparently not, apparently you have to give up something involving money or fame, like Tillman did, to become a hero, giving up a family just isn't as much of a sacrifice to the jilted, fame obsessed american population.
esorlxaw said:
As opposed to those who used his unfortunate death as a means to promote the war and probably several products and memorial items. What makes his death different from any of the other soldiers we have lost? Nothing. Why does it matter if someone was a football player or a father of three and died in Iraq, they are all heroes, right? Apparently not, apparently you have to give up something involving money or fame, like Tillman did, to become a hero, giving up a family just isn't as much of a sacrifice to the jilted, fame obsessed american population.

Once again, you twist words. You're hopeless, but I'll explain....

Tillman's story was made famous because he was a professional football player. If you don't understand that, he played for the NFL, which stands for the National Football League. He gave up millions of dollars because he though he should go fight for his country, so he could enjoy the freedom to play football and do whatever else he, or anyone else wants to do. I don't remember hearing of anyone, a professional ball player, CEO, anyone, who gave up millions of dollars, living an easy life, or or trading in thier butler for a platoon sargeant. I won't explain what a platoon sargeant is because bascially, you aren't worth my time anymore.

Tillman's story, as sad and unfortunate that it is, is something to be told. Its is a little does show that some people will actually go and defend this country without coming up with excuses not to or trying to blame people for the situation that is going on.

Tillman's death is just as tragic as the 18 year old ditch digger who joined the military to possibly find direction in life......just as tragic as any death over there. Just as tragic as the guys who died so you can live with mommy and daddy and bitch and whine because your cookies are too hard and your milk too cold.

Liberals will use anything, including tragic events to make their cause....Your hero, Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe, even used Pearl Harbor as a crutch to slam Republicans today during a speech.
fergy1370 said:
Once again, you twist words. You're hopeless, but I'll explain....

Tillman's story was made famous because he was a professional football player. If you don't understand that, he played for the NFL, which stands for the National Football League. He gave up millions of dollars because he though he should go fight for his country, so he could enjoy the freedom to play football and do whatever else he, or anyone else wants to do. I don't remember hearing of anyone, a professional ball player, CEO, anyone, who gave up millions of dollars, living an easy life, or or trading in thier butler for a platoon sargeant. I won't explain what a platoon sargeant is because bascially, you aren't worth my time anymore.

Tillman's story, as sad and unfortunate that it is, is something to be told. Its is a little does show that some people will actually go and defend this country without coming up with excuses not to or trying to blame people for the situation that is going on.

Tillman's death is just as tragic as the 18 year old ditch digger who joined the military to possibly find direction in life......just as tragic as any death over there. Just as tragic as the guys who died so you can live with mommy and daddy and bitch and whine because your cookies are too hard and your milk too cold.

Liberals will use anything, including tragic events to make their cause....Your hero, Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe, even used Pearl Harbor as a crutch to slam Republicans today during a speech.

:cheers: :cheers:

Thank you Fergy!!!
fergy1370 said:
Once again, you twist words. You're hopeless, but I'll explain....

Tillman's story was made famous because he was a professional football player. If you don't understand that, he played for the NFL, which stands for the National Football League. He gave up millions of dollars because he though he should go fight for his country, so he could enjoy the freedom to play football and do whatever else he, or anyone else wants to do. I don't remember hearing of anyone, a professional ball player, CEO, anyone, who gave up millions of dollars, living an easy life, or or trading in thier butler for a platoon sargeant. I won't explain what a platoon sargeant is because bascially, you aren't worth my time anymore.

Tillman's story, as sad and unfortunate that it is, is something to be told. Its is a little does show that some people will actually go and defend this country without coming up with excuses not to or trying to blame people for the situation that is going on.

Tillman's death is just as tragic as the 18 year old ditch digger who joined the military to possibly find direction in life......just as tragic as any death over there. Just as tragic as the guys who died so you can live with mommy and daddy and bitch and whine because your cookies are too hard and your milk too cold.

Liberals will use anything, including tragic events to make their cause....Your hero, Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe, even used Pearl Harbor as a crutch to slam Republicans today during a speech.

RIGHT ON FERGY...........THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! :beerbang: :beerbang: :beerbang: :beerbang:
fergy1370 said:
You're hopeless

If you don't understand that, he played for the NFL, which stands for the National Football League.
I won't explain what a platoon sargeant is because bascially, you aren't worth my time anymore.

Just as tragic as the guys who died so you can live with mommy and daddy and bitch and whine because your cookies are too hard and your milk too cold.

Your hero, Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe

???? If you're wondering why I am not responding to such personal attacks, its because I'm doing so via PM, I'm pretty sure this place isn't for personal attacks and I have to admit I'm a little let down by people :cheers ing comments such as the ones above. It says a lot about how you all feel about me, thanks bunches.
esorlxaw said:
???? If you're wondering why I am not responding to such personal attacks, its because I'm doing so via PM, I'm pretty sure this place isn't for personal attacks and I have to admit I'm a little let down by people :cheers ing comments such as the ones above. It says a lot about how you all feel about me, thanks bunches.
Naw, everyone is not cheering attacks on other members.

Back to the subject, fact is the govt. lied about Tilman's death. I have a problem with that. It has nothing to do with being a conservative or liberal.
Pat Tillman was a true american hero. He didn't view himself as any more or less important than any other american soldier. That is why he refused to do interviews once his decision was made.

As has been stated, his death is no more or less tragic than that of any one of the men and women who have given their lives over there defending our way of life. But the fact is that he did give up far more than many of us could ever imagine. And he did it all for a belief that our freedoms and our way of life was worth defending at any cost. He didn't know you or I personally, but I for one respect the hell out of anyone who would do what he did.

And yes, I do resent someone trying to downplay his actions who doesn't have the testicular fortitude to pick up a gun and fight for our freedoms. Many americans feel the same way. If that offends anyone here or anyone else, then it is up to you to get over it. :salute:
4xchampncountin said:
Pat Tillman was a true american hero. He didn't view himself as any more or less important than any other american soldier. That is why he refused to do interviews once his decision was made.

And yes, I do resent someone trying to downplay his actions who doesn't have the testicular fortitude to pick up a gun and fight for our freedoms. Many americans feel the same way. If that offends anyone here or anyone else, then it is up to you to get over it. :salute:
I don't see where anyone is trying to downplay the fact that Tilman fought for his country and should be applauded for his actions. Tilman was an extraordinary person.

Lets not criticize of having testicular fortitude when one has absolutely no info on who has fought where for their country.
4xchampncountin said:
But the fact is that he did give up far more than many of us could ever imagine.

I assume you're talking about his fame and wealth...the problem is that I would argue that fame and wealth pale in comparison to a healthy family...unless that is that you're talking about giving up his life, which if such is the case, then I agree, if anyone would read what I said, I have never downplayed his sacrifice...I was merely making a statement that for some reason, this country has made tillman out to be far more imporant than any of the other soldiers who died.
This country made him far more important? Well, I would agree the press has done so...........and because of that many others have too. But, this country is not the's you and me and the government that we elect. I don't see our government making him any more important than any other military person killed or wounded in Iraq. Just the press and the folks who follow that suite.

And for your argument that our government lied about his death. Pat Tillman is a casualty of war. It's usually pretty obvious when such a tragedy occurs, but it's sometimes not quite so obvious as to the exact reason anyone gets killed or wounded in case you didn't know, it's total bedlam in a firefight. Nothing short of terrifying and complete and total confusion.......unless you've been there you haven't the remotest idea of the extent of that terror and confusion. Most casualties in a war are from hostile fire.......and that is the first assumption (even the press assumes that first). But the military does investigate and when it finds the casualties were from something other than hostile fire it does not cover it up.........but they sure don't hold press conferences to tell the world about it either. And in light of a portion of the press waiting in the shadows to jump any "mistake" made, I don't blame them for not volunteering such information. I would like to know just how the press got wind of this friendly fire incident anyway.........from the Pentagon? My guess would be to say that is exactly where they got that that covering something up? I think your use of the word "lie" is a lot like your use of the same word a while back about the President lying about WMD's........the word just doesn't fit the circumstances. Mistaken, maybe..........not lie.
i don't agree with the idea of the gov't lying about his death, I also don't agree with the idea that the president was mistaken in the same way the pentagon was on Tillman's death. I would have to say that the president was misleading instead of mistaken.
And I say you don't know what you are talking about........argument ends the same.
barelypure said:
For those who care...Tribute

thanks barelypure.........very nice tribute..maybe now it will put an end to all the whys and bitterness this thread has started.I am just so tired of all the back and forth crap.....sadly it happened, but now everyone should reflect on who he was..... :)
kat2220 said:
We ALL need to honor each and every American Soldier, living or dead.
I believe that every single post has done that and everyone should feel that way.
muggle not said:
I believe that every single post has done that and everyone should feel that way.
Have to agree with MN here, never once did anyone disrespect any soldier.
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