Iraqi civilians feed hungry US marines




Iraqi civilians fleeing heavy fighting have stunned and delighted hungry US marines in central Iraq (news - web sites) by giving them food, as guerrilla attacks continue to disrupt coalition supply lines to the rear.

Khairi Ilrekibi, 35, a passenger on one of the buses, which broke down near the marine position, said he could speak for the 20 others on board.
In broken English he told a correspondent travelling with the marines: "We like Americans," adding that no one liked Saddam Hussein because "he was not kind."

Lance Corporal David Polikowsky said they told him: "We welcome you. What is your name? We will pray for you."


  • ani_libertybell2.gif
    5.7 KB · Views: 17
That is truly awesome...what a great story.

I hope the rest of the world is watching.
Nice story. Like this line.

"They told me they wanted to go to America after the war. I said where. They said California. I said why? They said the song Hotel California and they left singing Hotel California."
Originally posted by Highboy90@Mar 30 2003, 06:20 PM
Nice story. Like this line.

"They told me they wanted to go to America after the war. I said where. They said California. I said why? They said the song Hotel California and they left singing Hotel California."
Yeah, I actually LOL'd when I read that line... just the image.... bus full of Iraqi's going down the desert "road" singing hotel california. Truly classic!

:partytime: :djspin: :jamming:
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