IRL Edmonton Race Back On Schedule



Well, it appears that the city council voted to restore the IRL Edmonton race for next year. To make up the money, the city said Friday it will use $1 million from private partners, while the remaining $2 million will come from new parking revenue.

The parking revenue will be generated by turning Runway 1634 into a parking lot when it’s not being used for the Indy.

Parking on that stretch is expected to bring in around $450,000 per year.

This is good news.

Full story..
i'm glad the city council doesn't do my taxes. those figures don't add up. glad the race is back on though. :)
So, has anyone heard if this is still on??? Have not heard anything about in over a month. Still not on the IRL website. I guess if it does happen they are not going to have any support classes(except maybe Indy Lights), getting too late for that. Canadian Tire Series put their schedule out a while ago and i think they scheduled a race in BC against Edmonton... I guess they could revise their schedule too...
It is back on. Good news. Still have not heard about the finale in Vegas.
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