Is it Friday, yet?


Plank Owner
Sep 18, 2001
Deep in the heart of Texas
Good morning to all. :)

I'm twiddling my thumbs waiting for Friday.

Hope everyone has a great day. It's relatively cool and dry this AM --- for Texas. LOL
Good Morning...I cant wait til Friday as well! I am ready for some more racin'!
Good morning!

Its gonna be a high today of some where in the mid 80s!
Good morning everyone! I know what you mean Texas. It is supposed to be mid 90's today instead of the low 100's and heat indexes that extend to 120's. Just brutal.
Originally posted by BebiF1@Jul 24 2003, 10:00 AM
Good morning everyone! I know what you mean Texas. It is supposed to be mid 90's today instead of the low 100's and heat indexes that extend to 120's. Just brutal.
I actually have about the same forecast as BebiF1...we are both in the same region. :)
Well when you have to work 6 days a week Fridays don't mean much. Now Saturday is the day I look foward to.
Well cheer up folks!NOW it's FRIDAY!!!!!!Actually 63 degrees here in Dixie this morning...almost the record low for this date.Feels almost like autumn.
Happy Friday all! It has been feeling like autumn here at night also. But today it's supposed to get up to 87. Hope everyone has a good day and weekend.
Glad is doesn't fell like Autumn here yet. :bounce: Our winters seem to run until the end of April.
Originally posted by TexasRaceLady@Jul 25 2003, 11:46 AM
It's definitely not autumn here in East Texas. LOL

It's Friday, and q'ing starts in just over an hour! :bounce:
Q'ing is on now here!!! :bounce:
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