Is it just me?



Or has the board been slow as in speed? It takes me about 15 seconds to get back to the main page every time I hit the button to go back there. Its been doing that for a couple days now? I have been just been hitting the back button to get there faster. Is it just my prob;em or is everyone havign that problem?
I ment to add that i have cable connection so it normaly take sme there as soon as I hit the main page button
I was having that problem last night seems to be ok right now though,,,,,,,,,,:)
No problems on cable modem at home,but AOL=ALWAYS OFF LINE]Here at the office is always slow,and kicking me off line.
It was slow, but it seems to have gotten better again.
It has been slow to me but I have dial up it is always sslow.
we have cable and it was running slow last night..but it is fine today...........:)
It was slow yesterday, but everything seems fine today. I have dial-up so I wait a bit for everything anyway.
Guess it is just me then, its been like that for a couple days
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