Is it possible?



I just joined this site. And it actually appears that some pretty decent, intelligent, well-behaved race discussion goes on here.

Is that possible?? I sure hope so. The typical discussion on most Nascar forums makes me embarrassed to be race fan.

I look forward to joining what looks like quality discussions here. Thanks for having me.

green green green!
I just joined this site. And it actually appears that some pretty decent, intelligent, well-behaved race discussion goes on here.

Is that possible?? I sure hope so. The typical discussion on most Nascar forums makes me embarrassed to be race fan.

I look forward to joining what looks like quality discussions here. Thanks for having me.

green green green!

Most here will agree with you.. Welcome.
Hey Chuck! Nice to meet and greet you!
I think you will enjoy your visits here and will quickly learn to seperate the wheat from the chaf.
Oh, YES in answer to your question! :bounce: :D :bounce:
Thanks Kelloggs. I'm a fellow Terry fan. :)

I decided to stick with the 5 after he retired- that's my car. I just hope there's somebody in it next year!
I have stuck by my name, but I cannot pull for Kyle B.
Good to have another Terry fan here. :)

Yeah, I hear ya. I struggled with it for a while. But then I decided to treat it like an NFL team. The 5 is my team, my car. And Kyle is just the quarterback. I haven't always liked his antics, but I gotta admit that it's great to know you have a shot at running up front every week. Eventually, I grew to appreciate his talents and just hoped he would mature as a person. And actually I think he is maturing as a person.

I understand Rick's position on Kyle though. I just hope dearly that this doesn't result in the 5 leaving Hendrick or not even running next year. That would be awful.
Yeah, I hear ya. I struggled with it for a while. But then I decided to treat it like an NFL team. The 5 is my team, my car. And Kyle is just the quarterback. I haven't always liked his antics, but I gotta admit that it's great to know you have a shot at running up front every week. Eventually, I grew to appreciate his talents and just hoped he would mature as a person. And actually I think he is maturing as a person.

I understand Rick's position on Kyle though. I just hope dearly that this doesn't result in the 5 leaving Hendrick or not even running next year. That would be awful.

Yes, it would. Jr should have to run the 5 because that is what is available at this time. I don't think they should pull Casey out of the 25 either.
Yeah, I hear ya. I struggled with it for a while. But then I decided to treat it like an NFL team. The 5 is my team, my car. And Kyle is just the quarterback. I haven't always liked his antics, but I gotta admit that it's great to know you have a shot at running up front every week. Eventually, I grew to appreciate his talents and just hoped he would mature as a person. And actually I think he is maturing as a person.

I understand Rick's position on Kyle though. I just hope dearly that this doesn't result in the 5 leaving Hendrick or not even running next year. That would be awful.

Kyle and Kurt are just alike. you think they are maturing and acting better then they have a blow-up.
Kyle and Kurt are just alike. you think they are maturing and acting better then they have a blow-up.

Definitely. Makes it interesting though!

Having 43 boy scouts would get old.
I just joined this site. And it actually appears that some pretty decent, intelligent, well-behaved race discussion goes on here.

Is that possible?? I sure hope so. The typical discussion on most Nascar forums makes me embarrassed to be race fan.

I look forward to joining what looks like quality discussions here. Thanks for having me.

green green green!

Just taking a minute out from packing up the Featherlite & warming up the Coronado to welcome you to the racing headquarters lounge buddy, nothing but mature race fans here & we all know what we're talking about. Ask a question about anything autoracing related & somebody on here will find you an answer for sure. Well we're headin back to Mooresville now, Cya at the track.

Oh yeah! And if you don't like ThAT answer somebody else will give you another answer that might suite you better.
This is a good site and most of the people making posts are interesting. Nascar Forums are, for the most part, intended for all fans, some knowledgeable and some not so knowledgeable. I enjoy reading posts by all. The only thing I don't like on some forums are those that take the "holier than thou" attitude.
This is a good site and most of the people making posts are interesting. Nascar Forums are, for the most part, intended for all fans, some knowledgeable and some not so knowledgeable. I enjoy reading posts by all. The only thing I don't like on some forums are those that take the "holier than thou" attitude.

Did someone call me... :D
Now you know I ain't never banned anyone.
Heck with the stuff I pull how could I with a clear conscience...
Now you know I ain't never banned anyone.
Heck with the stuff I pull how could I with a clear conscience...
hehe, I stopped having people banned. They keep finding a way of coming back and then calling me a "pig".........something or other. :D

On with racing now. :)
I just joined this site. And it actually appears that some pretty decent, intelligent, well-behaved race discussion goes on here.

Is that possible?? I sure hope so. The typical discussion on most Nascar forums makes me embarrassed to be race fan.

I look forward to joining what looks like quality discussions here. Thanks for having me.

green green green!

Right you are Chuck! I just found this place not long ago myself and have enjoyed it so far. Be sure to check out the other boards too if you are into different types of racin'!:bounce:
There is respect for opinions here without folks taking it personal and getting all wound up for nothin'. :beerbang:
This is a good site and most of the people making posts are interesting. Nascar Forums are, for the most part, intended for all fans, some knowledgeable and some not so knowledgeable. I enjoy reading posts by all. The only thing I don't like on some forums are those that take the "holier than thou" attitude.

I hear ya. I have no problem with the knowledge/no-knowledge issue, it's more the name-calling and just plain ridiculousness that goes on at some sites. Well moderated forums are just so much more pleasant- regardless of what someone's specific opinion is- it's really about how they go about presenting/defending it.

But I can already tell this site is much more well-behaved. I am also on a really good NFL site that is heavily moderated, and it is just such a pleasure to be able to have proper discussions.

Enjoying this already. :)
I'm new here as well and I read alot more than I post. So far everyone seems to respect each others opinions. Do you guys ban people from the site? What causes them to get banned?
sledge, yes, we've banned people in the past.
Only the most totally out-of-control get the boot ---- usually for making personal attacks on other posters --- way beyond acceptable behavior.

Spamming the board with junk can also lead to eviction.
Just taking a minute out from packing up the Featherlite & warming up the Coronado to welcome you to the racing headquarters lounge buddy, nothing but mature race fans here & we all know what we're talking about. Ask a question about anything autoracing related & somebody on here will find you an answer for sure. Well we're headin back to Mooresville now, Cya at the track.


I thought you were overseas?
I hear ya. I have no problem with the knowledge/no-knowledge issue, it's more the name-calling and just plain ridiculousness that goes on at some sites. :)

First, the Earnhardt fans that "think" they know everything and are thin skinned, leave. Those who stay are smart, polite, and generally pretty well informed although they also have a tough time remembering much as age is taking its toll on their memory. (Sorry TRL. The devil made me do it) The Jeff Gordon fans have calmed themselves considerably while the Jimmie Johnson fans are still trying to hang tough but do get their lumps now and again. They are the new crowd of "Jimmie can do no wrong".

No one here has much use for the Toy-oaters or the drivers although some still cling to the rope holding Dale Jarrett that is breaking thread by thread, mostly from age.

Why shucks, there are even posters here who think Darrell Waltrip is a good announcer !!!!!!! See, you never know how some people think.

On the other hand, there are some posters who think George W. Bush is the greatest thing since the day Adam spent with Eve in the Garden of Eden and there are those who support Robbie Gordon and think with a liberal bent but no one can agree on what a "liberal" is. Except Buckaroo.
Buckaroo is a wonder of amusement, excuse me, I mean amazement.

Buckaroo has a "liberal" all figured out. In his mind, a "liberal" is one who never listens to Rush Limbaugh or FOX News and feels a "liberal" is anyone who mentions the word President of the United States and democrat in the same sentence. He does have one follower living in Kentucky.
Meanwhile Buckaroo tells the rest of us he is his own man!! Fortunately, his wife leads him wherever she wants him to go. reducing any potential of disaster.

But do not go away trying to figure out what and who these people are. It took me a long time and I'm still working on it.

Now that is settled be forewarned there are some who know not what they wish for in choosing a driver/team while there are those who listen to the "Rush Limbaugh of NASAR", Tony Stewart, take his comments and repeat them as gospel from the "Tony Stewart book of scriptures and racing ettiquette book".

No worries, mate. It will all come to you.

Oh, yes, before I close, watch out for ole DE7XWCC. He has a particular affection for Pembroke Welsh Corgis and hates changes in the sport of NASCAR racing. Grouchy old fart he is. Rumor is, he and Barelypure are trying to terrorize the forum but so far, no one is taking them seriously.;)

So, whaddya think ??? Rediculous enough for ya ???? :D
thanks tobasco. you from louisiana?

i've actually been a race fan, formally since 1995, but somewhat casually before that. but since my first race in person at talladega in April 1996, i haven't missed a single race (either by watching t.v., listening to the radio, being there or recording it). :) totally addicted.

i briefly wrote a nascar column (on the side) for a sports publication in New Orleans, but it got wiped out with katrina and i haven't done anything like that since.

i still do enjoy writing articles about it from time to time though- y'all might have to humor me on that sometimes. haha.
Sheesh Whizz, I bet you stired up the hornet's nest with that one! ROFLMAO!
Jeez, every time I pull Kat's leg she smacks me down even though she knows I am a Gordon fan. How does whiizzer get away with it.
HEY KAT2220 !!!!

Would you please repeat that !!
My hearing aid went bad and I had to put in a new battery.

Did you say "The Lord Is My Shepard ?"
Or did you say, "old as Morgan Shepherd" ???
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