Is Rusty Going To Baseball?



I thought over the years I've heard rusty whine about just about everything, but when I read the article about him wanting more money I almost sh!t. Doesnt he realize how much it costs us fans to go see a race. Where does he think the money is going to come from, the tracks, yes right after they raise ticket prices.
He's been that way his whole career. I figure he's only got 2 maybe 3 years left of racing in him. Then hopefully he'll retire to some place way out in the country where we don't have to hear a thing that he says. That would be a happy day for me.:D
Wow I was waiting to get my azz chewed. Glad to see Im not the only one.
i dont like him and he is on my top two list of whiners that is of him and martin, i get tired of him bragging and sayin he is gonna do such and such and never does it, then whines bout it... im so glad he didnt win the pole!!!
ditto ghettozoe03. People are always saying that the "GM" guys whine alot. Have they really ever listened to Rusty? Occasionally he can say something intelligent, but most of the time he is just whining about something, anything.
Did you really read the article? He was comparing what they do to what the halfwits playing baseball make. Considering how they risk their lives for 4 hours straight he really isn't out of line. As for the ticket prices going up, you can thank Nascar for that, but don't blame the drivers. Nascar signs a multimillion dollar TV deal, where did that money go. I don't see fat cat Helton wanting for anything. You can't tell me that any driver racing doesn't feel the same. Feel free to attack he driving abbility, believe me, he has earned it lately, but slamming him for these comments is total BS.
Money an issue, Rusty Wallace says
The Associated Press

With salaries in other pro sports soaring, some NASCAR drivers are feeling a little left out.
With stock car racing exploding in popularity, most race tracks selling seats at a record pace and NASCAR in the second year of a multibillion-dollar TV contract, Rusty Wallace says money is definitely an issue.

"Compared to other sports, we've got a long way to go," the former Winston Cup champion said. "When you're out there running over 200 mph for four or five hours and you're doing that 36 times a year, I think that we're perfect candidates for more money. That's for sure."

Wallace said drivers do more than simply get behind the wheel and go fast.

"We're real accessible to our fans," he said. "I do tons of autograph sessions. I do tons of appearances. I love seeing the fans and I don't ever see strikes or anything like that happening in our sport.

"Although, I will tell you that I think the sport brings so much excitement and joy to people that I do think that the people putting it on – the owners, the crew people, the drivers, and everybody – I think we're just as deserving of that baseball- and football-type money."
I'm just curious, Why is it mostly Gordon Fans that dislike Rusty. I am really growing tired of this ,Rusty is whiner, this and that crap. Piss on it, the reason I left TR's forum was for crap like this. Ya'll have a nice one!
I guess because I have had a very bad experience in meeting Rusty Wallace. He was a royal jerk! You don't scream at a young girl who very quietly and politely asks for you autograph. He said, and I quote "I don't just give my autograph out". I'm sorry, but the situation did no call for him to act like a child. Since that day, I have NEVER cared for Rusty. Other people may have had better experiences, but mine sucked royally. If he was in a bad mood or something, too bad. But you don't act like that in a restaurant, and especially to your waitress trying to make a living, no matter how old they are.

And, by the way, I am not just a Gordon fan. I like several other drivers.
Millitefan,Don't let it get you all tore up,I have had a little extra flack from some Gordon fans this week too.It seems they are back in the spotlight more than usual due to him winning 2 in a row.Funny how some fans are so fair weathered,I may be guilty of it myself,I know when Martin screws up it puts me in a bad mood also.This forum is a lot nicer than the one you mention,There are some new folks that are very young,and think Gordon can do no wrong,But let me clue you in on one thing,He is only human,and if you point that out you are more apt to being called a Gordon basher.As for Rusty crying they all cry,its human nature.I have heard others cry thru the whole race,I won't mention names,as to not start a useless debate. :)
It seems rusty and jeff have had problems getting along before so alot of there fans don't get along. Someone might think I am nuts but I like rusty and jeff, I herd rusty has had some issues with his crew chief lately. Im sure hell get it worked out and will be back in victory lane again.

Doesnt baseball have more viewers??? if so thats why they get paid more money.

I just hope it stops right there though we dont need a nascar drivers strike. If anyone should be complaining about money its the pit crews.
I've always liked Rusty. I just recently started to enjoy Jeff. (Can't believe I just said that!) I say give 'em what they deserve. If ballplayers can demand huge salaries for their disloyalty to the fans, why not race car drivers, the most loyal and fan-friendly in sports?
Rusty Wallace is a dern good racecar driver. Shucks, the real reason Jeff went to the back of the pack is so he doesn't have to worry about the dude sneakin up on him.

Crazy is that he will retain the pit stall near turn one and all schleckeroony is gonna break out come the first caution.
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