Is your car AC on the fritz --- try this

I've just forwarded that to a friend of mine. His air has been out all summer.
I think I'd buy a slim line A/C and put it in a side window tho. At least then you don't have to cut a whole in the roof.
An inverter to run a 120AC

from a 12v alternator must cost a fortune... if it would work at all.
actually they don't cost that much..bout 150 bucks for a 600 watt unit i think

but i think it'd be a little easier to just get an old camper or RV roof mount unit.
actually they don't cost that much..bout 150 bucks for a 600 watt unit i think

but i think it'd be a little easier to just get an old camper or RV roof mount unit.

That was my you think a window unit will start and run on 600 watts?
I've just forwarded that to a friend of mine. His air has been out all summer.
I think I'd buy a slim line A/C and put it in a side window tho. At least then you don't have to cut a whole in the roof.

could of had a sunroof.

That is a good idea! Never whould of thunk of dat!
Wow. I don't know what horrifies me more, that a college would graduate someone that stupid, or that so many people here thing that's impressive. One ****ing strap holding it on ... and he's driving on the freeway with it???? One pothole and someone dies. And you're all applauding it like some kind of ****ing acheivement???

BTW, did anyone else notice the crack in his windshield?? Evidently maintaining anything about his car isn't high priority for him. He's obviously too busy waving that diploma about to look after the 2000lbs road missle he's pointing about in traffic.
Wow. I don't know what horrifies me more, that a college would graduate someone that stupid, or that so many people here thing that's impressive. One ****ing strap holding it on ... and he's driving on the freeway with it???? One pothole and someone dies. And you're all applauding it like some kind of ****ing acheivement???

BTW, did anyone else notice the crack in his windshield?? Evidently maintaining anything about his car isn't high priority for him. He's obviously too busy waving that diploma about to look after the 2000lbs road missle he's pointing about in traffic.

Well put Professur.

Some people act like safely maintaining a car is an option. People around here will put $2,000 worth of rims and tires on a car when the thing is totally unsafe to be driven. People drive around with brakes not working properly and emergency spare tires on more than one wheel and just keep spending their money on other things. Then they complain about the price of auto insurance, I'm sure. I've seen wheels come completely off of vehicles and go flying into innocent people's vehicles because people couldn't be bothered to fix that noise that kept getting louder. :mad:
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