It looks like Mars over there



Man oh man, that's some rough terrain.


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sand and dirt...


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dirt and sand


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Wow, that looks pretty nasty. I can't even imagine being in the conditions (sand storms) that our troops are in. God Bless them all!
Tha tlooks awsome in a picture but i bet it is a nightmare over there even without the war to worry about!!
It is amazing to me that those M-16's are not jamming every other round in those conditions.The things jam non-stop without the sand.Any gun nuts on here that can explain that?
Originally posted by 97forever@Mar 26 2003, 04:55 PM
It is amazing to me that those M-16's are not jamming every other round in those conditions.The things jam non-stop without the sand.Any gun nuts on here that can explain that?
Made by the cheapest bidder..... ;) :lol:

Actually, I never had any problems with a 16. I can't remember it ever jamming. Now the M-249 SAW that the Marine has in the picture, those things really sucked. If you fired more than a 10 round burst (which you really aren't suppose to do, but its fun!), they jammed all the time. It didn't matter how much CLP (lube) you had on the weapon.
The M-16's we used from '86-'92 jammed frequently.To me they seemed very very tempermental to environmental 'grit.'Much less reliable in the gulf than in Panama,however.I would imagine that would be because of the more arid and sandy terrain.Though I am no expert by any means,I did hear the late nam-era[early seventies]holdovers were notorious 'jammers'.
Yeah, I've heard horror stories about the M-16 A1's. Its amazing that the US uses a weapon with such a small round and they casue so much trouble when most of the badguys in the world use AK-47's. A lot bigger bullet and those things can fire underwater and packed with mud.
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