Wheels up DFW 9:12
Wheels down GEG 10:48
Uncle David picked me up at Spokane International Airport, and we drove the 20-something minutes to Liberty Lake. We stopped in at Dan's workplace, and he gave me a tour of all their snazzy laboratories and work areas. Then the 3 of us went out to lunch at a local mexican joint before Dan went back to work.
After lunch, Dave took me over to Idaho to an old hydroelectric facility that dates back to the 1800's. That was really neat, to see such old structures, or at least parts of them, still standing.
We came home, rested for a bit, and watched TV.
Karen came over after work. Her and I walked to her apartment for dinner and watched a move afterward.
Saturday morning, Dianne made Crepes for breakfast, we picked up Dan, and the 4 of us went to several glacier lakes/beaches in Idaho, with a big lunch in the middle.
Karen came over for dinner when we returned from Idaho (She works Saturday afternoons), and everybody went to bed fairly early except for Dave and I, who stayed up watching a movie.
Sunday was Omlettes for breakfast, then Karen came over. We went into Spokane (proper) and she showed me around downtown. Its not really much different than any other major business downtown, but it was neat to go into some of the little shoppes. We had flatbread pizza for lunch (Mods Pizza, neat place....the subway of pizzas). We spent a good 2 or 3 hours walking, then took a bus ride north a ways, and did some walking in the historic district. The four of us stopped for milkshakes at a creamery before heading back to the house. I had never had anything Huckleberry flavored before.
Once we all got home, Dan and his girlfriend, Anna, came over and Dave cooked two racks of ribs. After we all stuffed ourselves silly, we took a group photo.
Monday brought pancakes for breakfast, then Dave, Dianne, and I got on the road for a day trip.
Visited a whole bunch of places all over the place, and even ventured over to Montana for the sake of a photo opportunity. So I knocked 3 states off my list this weekend.
Got back home around 6:30, i went straight to bed for a brief catnap until Karen came over somewhere around 7:30-8-ish. We had pizza for dinner, then Dan came over after working on his Thesis presentation. We sat around for a bit just chatting and hanging out.
Dianne and I took Karen home since she was tired after working all day & she had to get up early for work. Along the way I notice a couple good photo opportunities. Karen and I said our goodbyes, Dianne and I went back to the house.
Once Dianne and I got back, I grabbed my camera and offered to walk home with Dan. We talked about odds and ends on the way back to the apartment complex. Said our goodbyes, and I headed back for the house.
Along the way, I stopped and took advantage of a couple good photo vantage points. It has been a long time since I have been in a region fully devoid of light pollution, especially with no moon.
Tuesday, I woke up somewhat late. Not long after, I received a text that the flight was delayed. Dave and I walked to a local restaurant for breakfast, at which point I received several more flight delay notices.
After breakfast, we walked back to the house, then drove to my aunt's school to see her before I left.
To kill some time on the way to the airport, we meandered around Spokane. Our first stop was a wine cellar facility that is on the edge of a cliff, yielding some great views. From there, we went to the local municipal airport. We watched a helicopter refuel right next to the observation area, and a robinson helicopter was doing touch-and-goes over on the runway, probably flying lessons. From there we passed by the hospital district (Karen's work) on the way to South Hill, a section of really old houses, and drove through a large city park that is divided into multiple sections.
The last stop on the way to the airport was the local multi-purpose motorsports facility. We stopped in and took a few pictures, before finally dropping me off at the airport.
Wheels up 4:30 (GEG)
Wheels down 9:22 (DFW)