I've been wishing for Spring, and now


Plank Owner
Sep 18, 2001
Deep in the heart of Texas
I'm not!

Have spent the afternoon, mowing, edging, using the weedeater, spraying for weeds, and spraying for bugs!

Somehow, when I wasn't looking the weeds decided that my yard was the ideal growing spot.
I can't wait to start mowing the lawn (having finally gotten a patch of grass to look after) and maybe even plant some veggies.

Once the 2 or 3 feet of snow that's left melts. :)
I Can finaly see about 50% of my back yard!!!!!! :bounce:
Have I mentioned before I HATE SNOW!!!!
It was about 60 today and man did it feel good!!
I am so ready for Spring! I can't wait to work in my gardens. I did some major landscaping last year, so this year I hope to really see how it looks when everyhting is in full bloom. Right now everything is a muddy mess, it was warm here yesterday to and all this snow is finally melting, but there's so much of it the water has nowwhere to go. My yard (8 acres) pretty much looks like one great big pond.
What is "Spring"?

Here in New Hampshire we usually get winter and July 4th. That July 4th is only if we're lucky and the weather gods are appeased with the sacrifice of two goats, two pigs, one cow and three virgins. No problem with the animals, but try to find a virgin around here nowadays!
Maybe an ugly third grader who can outrun all of the fourth grade boys?

At least the snowbanks have come down enough that I can see the house across the street from my office window now.
Maybe there is some small Hope after all?

Test an Tune Days at LEE USA SPEEDWAY scheduled for April 12th and again for April 19th and the Busch North/Grand National season opener is set for April 27th.
If the snow's not gone by then, we plow the parking lots and the track and race anyway.
My sides....Bob....my sides...that was classic!! LOL

But you nailed it right on the head!
I feel sorry for my fellow New Englanders, I have softball practice today at noon, it has been in the low 60s since i came home from Vegas on Wed. Supposed to be like that until the end of the week, Colorado Springs is like that though,but there is always that potential "big" spring snowstorm that crops up in May and spoils things for awhile. WE need the moisture so much here that even if we did get a huge storm it wouldn't make much difference. Water restrictions are still in place for April 1, nothing will change that, just hope they get enough rain this summer. I'll be back in New England by the end of May, with all those black flies and mosquitos......can't wait! I know that sounds insane, but i love the place and it is time for me to come home. :D
Spring is great but down here it means one thing first and foremost:Tornado weather.From January till June the potential is high for violent weather.

Fortunately,I have the ol' 'storm-pit'[dont know if ya'll have those up north]cleaned out and ready just in case!Sometimes the bad weather is just about preferable to the chicken snakes that love to curl up under the benches,though! :)
Spring here is cheeseheadland has arrived with snow. We didn't have any snow this winter, now we are swamped. Hopefully it will warm up by the end of the week and this stuff will start to melt.

I would love to see my backyard!!! We only have to seasons here, winter and road construction. I think road construction is right around the corner, I've seen the orange barrels!!! :EEEEK:
Originally posted by TexasRaceLady@Mar 8 2003, 06:11 PM
Right now, I'd trade my yard for 8 inches of snow. :lol:

I'm a whipped puppy.
TRL, you're not a whipped puppy my dear, you're sore from FALLING OFF YOUR ROCKER! 8 Inches of snow ?? I'm going to venture a guess that you've either never lived in these god forsaken northern states or if you did it was so long ago that you forgot how miserable it is. You freeze your rear off while you're out shoveling, you can't move the next day because you're so sore from shoveling, you drive to work in fear of black ice, and you come home from work to find some moron took the spot that YOU dug out and now while you're still sore as heck, you've got to shovel another parking spot out. Everything is so narrow and on top of each other up here that driveways are few & far between. I'll tell you what, you come stay in my place and I'll gladly go back to TX and bask in the heat!!

I loverwinter!!!
I love winter!!!!
I think I have just lost it all the way, fell over the edge and went completely off the deep end....
Squirrel food for sure.....
Have a nice day everyone!
Yesterday was really nice outside now since a cold front went through it is cold again...ugh this cold and winter stuff needs to go

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