Jarrett talks to NASCAR


Here kitty, kitty, kitty
Nov 14, 2002
Winston Salem, NC
Dale Jarrett has talked to NASCAR about trying to amend the new points system to prevent anyone in the Chase from losing so much ground because of someone else's problems. He says that those in the top ten or in the chase should be scored only by themselves, separately from the other racers. In other words, the top driver in the chase would score 180 points, even if he finished 10th. The second highest Chase driver would then receive 170 points etc. The most any driver could lose would be 50 or 55 points.

I supposed this would help keep the points even closer and might even have merit since those in the Chase are far and above any of the other drivers, but I'm not sure of this change. Have to mull that one over, but I do see the reasoning for it.
DJ is a very respected man in the sport and rightfully so. I just wish they would listen to him about getting rid of the dang restrictor plates. ;)
4x, you know that this has been a sore subject for many of the drivers, going back to the most respected of them all, ol' Ironhead. If he couldn't get them to change, I don't think it's gonna be done.
Originally posted by buckaroo@Oct 10 2004, 01:04 PM
4x, you know that this has been a sore subject for many of the drivers, going back to the most respected of them all, ol' Ironhead. If he couldn't get them to change, I don't think it's gonna be done.
I know it. There are too many "fans" who love to watch huge wrecks and manufactured competition for NASCAR to listen to the rest of us. <_<
"I just wish they would listen to him about getting rid of the dang restrictor plates. "

Rusty said they could never race without restrictor plates. 235 mph laps are too fast.

But I do feel they need to find an alternative to them. Racing in trains just isn't fun to me.
There are lots of things they could do to eliminate plates and still make it safe. But they will never do that because too many people want to see Junior win a couple of faces every year even if they aren't really even races. :(

But, I really don't want to get into this subject again. It always goes the same places and never changes anything. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by WideOpenPhoto@Oct 10 2004, 01:29 PM
V6 on the big tracks?
That's an option....narrower tires, change the spoiler package, as well as many other options.

Nevermind, I said I was done with this topic. Please excuse me. :mellow:
4x, you can't be serious. You honestly think Nascar mandates plates to keep Jr in the winners circle?

I've heard a lot of Jr conspiracy theories, but to blame him for plate racing is a little out there. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by 4xchampncountin@Oct 10 2004, 08:26 AM
There are lots of things they could do to eliminate plates and still make it safe. But they will never do that because too many people want to see Junior win a couple of faces every year even if they aren't really even races. :(

But, I really don't want to get into this subject again. It always goes the same places and never changes anything. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by WideOpenPhoto@Oct 10 2004, 08:11 AM
The source for this article is MIKE MULHERN :dual9mm:
Sooo, I guess Steve Brisendine and Mike are one in the same. Here's Steve's article. It's fine that you might not like Mike's reporting, but to think that everything he writes is false is going a bit too far. You might want to do a little fact checking before you post something as well.
Originally posted by 4xchampncountin@Oct 10 2004, 01:26 PM
There are lots of things they could do to eliminate plates and still make it safe. But they will never do that because too many people want to see Junior win a couple of faces every year even if they aren't really even races. :(

But, I really don't want to get into this subject again. It always goes the same places and never changes anything. :rolleyes:
Not a Jr fan. But hope you said this for a joke. Plate races came along long before Jr did. Don't think Nascar looked into a cyrstal ball and seen Jr was gonna be a good plate racer. :lol:
Originally posted by Gollum@Oct 10 2004, 02:12 PM
But, I really don't want to get into this subject again. It always goes the same places and never changes anything. :rolleyes:

Not a Jr fan. But hope you said this for a joke. Plate races came along long before Jr did. Don't think Nascar looked into a cyrstal ball and seen Jr was gonna be a good plate racer. :lol:
It worked didn't it? ;) :p
I love the C4C Point System...If Nascar wants to be called a sport like the big 3, baseball, football, basketball, THAN LETS HAVE A PLAYOFF.... Playoff time brings excitement to the true fans of all sports...So how cant the new C4C point system excite you?
Originally posted by hntr74@Oct 10 2004, 03:33 PM
I love the C4C Point System...If Nascar wants to be called a sport like the big 3, baseball, football, basketball, THAN LETS HAVE A PLAYOFF.... Playoff time brings excitement to the true fans of all sports...So how cant the new C4C point system excite you?
Is your last name France? :huh:

Just kidding, actually as I have stated before I like the C4C. I just wish plate "races" weren't figured in as driver skill has less to do with success there than avoiding the big one, among other factors.
I thought this thread was about the C4C, not restrictor plates. The plate tracks are done for the season........we don't have another till February, 2005. Why can't we take a break from this subject? Obsession, maybe?

I like the new points system, too. I can see some need for tweaking in the seasons to come. As is usually the case, there are unforeseen situations or problems that crop up when a new rule is put into place. DJ's suggestion is certainly worth some serious thought. But the naysayers will find fault with that too. :)
Originally posted by hntr74@Oct 10 2004, 10:33 AM
I love the C4C Point System...If Nascar wants to be called a sport like the big 3, baseball,  football, basketball, THAN LETS HAVE A PLAYOFF.... Playoff  time brings excitement to the true fans of all sports...So how cant the new C4C point system excite you?
LMAO!!!! You've got to be kidding? How can't it excit me? Well let's answer the question why the stick and ball sports have play offs in the first place. They pose one opponent against the other, one on one for the "regular" season. Not all teams face each other and those that do, face each other under different circumstances. Then a select group from various divisions face off each other in an eliminations format.

Motorsports series have a single division in the first place (ie, the is ONE Cup division). All competitors face off against all others each and every event and or in eliminations agaisnt one another for the entire season. A c4c "playoff" is a fabrication and redundancy at best.

Not interested and making sure nascar knows it.
I do agree with the sentiments on the C4C as the drivers all compete on all the tracks thereby evening out any discrepancies in the competition. It is simply not needed and is a product of TV ratings.

As to RP races narrower tires wouldn't work and would actually work to make it more dangerous. The narrow tire would provide less rolling resistance which could allow the cars to go faster on the straights. To slow the cars down, go with much much wider tires, angle the back glass nearly vertical and raise the height of the spoiler and make it more vertical as well.
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