Jayski site



Hello. I'm new here but wish to visit often. I'm sure everyone is familiar with Jayski's site. We returned from a brief vacation Saturday to find the site down. Anyone know why?
I only found this site today but it seems great! :)
I was able to get as well. Also Welcome make yourself at Home and Enjoy :cheers:
thanks, still can't get it even using your link...we have a DSL connection too...
guess I'll keep trying!
I have a dsl connection, too. Besides the link I posted, are you going through the That's Racin website? Or are you just going directly to jayski's site?
I've tried both... I can't imagine what the problem is. We've tried on and off since yesterday...
Well, I don't know what else to suggest. I read on another website that someone else was having the same problem. :wacko: I hope you are able to access the site soon. Good luck. ;)
I'm in South Florida, maybe it's a regional thing. Anyway, thanks for the help, I'll keep trying!
Originally posted by ajk112802@Jun 20 2004, 11:31 PM
I'm in South Florida, maybe it's a regional thing. Anyway, thanks for the help, I'll keep trying!
Im in South Florida too and its working fine with me.

Hi, by the way.
Have you tried the simple things like rebooting your computer, modem, and router (if you are using a router.)

For some reason, there is a group of sites that will come up as can't be found for me every once in a while. Once I reboot the modem or ocmputer, they come up.
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