Jeff Green and the shootout?



Anyone know why Green and the Petty car aren't in the shootout. didn't he win the poll for the 500 last year?
Petty Enterprises chooses not to display the Bud Pole Award sticker on their cars. Cars have to run the Bud sticker to participate in the Shootout or to receive a Bud Pole Award. So while Green is Shootout eligible, his car isn't, so he won't be running it.
Originally posted by Lumpy18@Feb 6 2004, 12:36 PM
Petty Enterprises chooses not to display the Bud pole award sticker on their cars. Cars have to run the Bud sticker to participate in the Shootout or to receive a Bud Pole Award. So while Green is Shootout eligible, his car isn't, so he won't be running it.
thanks for the info lumpy :)
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