Jeff Green defends Tony Stewart

Pretty nice article. Hmmmmmmmmmm, I just might have to
start liking Jeff Green a little!!

Very good points by Jeff Green. I would also have to agree with him. There wasn't even metion of the Kasey Kahne incident on this board. Pretty tough racing for that early in the race.
I'm sure his tune would be different if he was one of the other drivers.

Mabey he did the article so Tony would keep off his back bumper. HUMMMMMMMMMM. Just never know.
yea maybe they will team up at the all star race and maybe one of them will win???
:salute: Maybe Kanhe didn't get the press is because he has not done that 4 or 5 weeks in a row. Just a thought.
It sure stopped that direction of conversation in a hurry. LOL

I was surprised, but not shocked. Yes these drivers blow off in the heat of the moment but after cooling down and viewing the tapes they usually can see in 3 dimension.

DW is a loudmouth A$$. His job is to call the race, ... NOT petition NASCAR for punishment for a particular driver. NASCAR has reviewed, talked to Stewart and decided punishment was not warrented. Period!! But DW has persisted and should be penalized. Maybe FOX should sit DW out a race or 2 with NO PAY...... better yet.. FIRE the JERK!!

Everyone gripped about Stewart not letting it go last week and talking about it during post race. I too wish he hads let it go. BUT..... on Trackside last night DW and Larry went all out with clips (Very onesided I might add) and tried putting Rusty on the spot to side with them. BIG KUDO's to Rusty because when pushed he said "Alright I'll tell you what I think, Let it go!" He was a whole lot more defensive of Tony than the FOX guys.

It amazes me that so many say DW is in the right and Tony is wrong because he FINALLY spoke out after weeks of BS from these guys. The FOX guys have the resorses of the broadcast company. Continually keep beating a knocked down horse with clips. Showing onesided clips of drivers mad in the heat of the moment, but not showing the same drivers coments when cooled off and have viewed the vidios of the incidents. (which they also have access to) "IF" they were really trying to do their job and be impartial they would show them too. NO, DW has gone on a campaign this year blowing incidents out of proportion, over sensationalizing them trying to be judge and jury and calling for maximum punishment. He has no right, it is NOT his job to do that. Tony has never had an equal forum to present his side and after weeks of persicution he made his forum on national TV ( which was DW's forum) so what was so unfair about that?

My Opinion is that DW (in particular) and Larry have used their position in the booth in the wrong way, haven't tried to show both sides of a story.

Weekly they rant on and on about the aero push, aero side suck, taking air off the spoiler getting cars loose. But, (ex CA) when Tony got into Rusty they were side by, no mention of the aero side suck or the fact that JJ was right under Tony's deck lid taking air off his spoiler. A report from pit road earlier had said Tony was extremly loose, but no mention of that either. DW is guilty of totally slanting the reporting to "His" agenda.

It is time to get "Larry, Moe & Curly" off the air!!! I'm fed up with their BS reporting. Not a race goes by that I don't yell at the TV " Are you watching the same race I am? I can't wait for NBC to take over and I sure hope these "Yoyo's" contracts are not renewed!!


(steps down)

Oh boy Eagle!! You took all the breath out of me by "sucking" the nearly exact words I couldn't put in type!! Bravo, friend!! :cheers: :cheers:

Damn, I'll even buy you a couple Coors for that in September!! :D :cheers:
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