Jesse Jackson's 'Hymietown' Remark


Team Owner
Sep 16, 2001
Boston, MA
Anyone remember the great, moral elitist Jesse Jackson's racist remarks in 1984?

These hypocritical bastards sure have a short memory when slinging the mud...

Rev. Jesse Jackson referred to Jews as "Hymies" and to New York City as "Hymietown" in January 1984 during a conversation with a black Washington Post reporter, Milton Coleman. Jackson had assumed the references would not be printed because of his racial bond with Coleman, but several weeks later Coleman permitted the slurs to be included far down in an article by another Post reporter on Jackson's rocky relations with American Jews.

A storm of protest erupted, and Jackson at first denied the remarks, then accused Jews of conspiring to defeat him. The Nation of Islam's radical leader Louis Farrakhan, an aggressive anti-Semite and old Jackson ally, made a difficult situation worse by threatening Coleman in a radio broadcast and issuing a public warning to Jews, made in Jackson's presence: "If you harm this brother [Jackson], it will be the last one you harm."

Finally, Jackson doused the fires in late February with an emotional speech admitting guilt and seeking atonement before national Jewish leaders in a Manchester, New Hampshire synagogue. Yet Jackson refused to denounce Farrakhan, and lingering, deeply rooted suspicions have led to an enduring split between Jackson and many Jews. The frenzy also heightened tensions between Jackson and the mostly white establishment press.
I remember it..........but, he's one of the people allowed to be racist.
He's a race baiter, and a serious detriment to this Nation's integrity and unity.
I'm not sure ol' Dan'l Webster has a word to describe this pox on freedom.
I'll make one then, how about, "Human Gonorrhea"?

I know that's two words and all...
lol, i hope he doesnt get a chance to influence that child his mistress had out of wedlock
Better back off, Paul, or you'll have to rename this place :p
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2
I remember it..........but, he's one of the people allowed to be racist.

It's been called reverse racism and it seems thats totally acceptable to most. I don't include myself in the "most" catagory. I told myself that I was never going to comment on things like this on the board, but I'm sickend at the way they're railroading Lott. They know just as well as anyone else that his statement wasn't about the racism part of that long ago presidential race. It's a classic example of words being taken out of context. Unfortunately Lott didn't specify that he was talking about problems like the immorality of the Clinton yrs as opposed to the desegregation issues. Maybe it's possible that Lott meant it the way they're saying he did, but I just don't see it. He's not a stupid man and even if he did feel that way, he would never voice it in public.... JMO

Originally posted by paul
I'll make one then, how about, "Human Gonorrhea"?

I know that's two words and all...

You can get medication for that. If you take the meds, it goes away. I say, free meds for everyone.
Jackson is not a racist. Nor is he elitist. He is a plain and simple opportunist. He doesn't serve the black community.

He makes all the noise so he can raise funds for Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition. Which is nothing but a front to make him a tax free millionaire.
Hey, he isn't the only one to make comments that nobody calls him for. Wasn't too long ago that Robert Byrd, that great bastian of the democratic party, used the N-word and that was okay. Oh well, such is politics.
Originally posted by Alaska
Jackson is not a racist. Nor is he elitist. He is a plain and simple opportunist. He doesn't serve the black community.

He makes all the noise so he can raise funds for Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition. Which is nothing but a front to make him a tax free millionaire.

So he's a Capitalist at heart.............a closet Republican?:D
Say what you want about him, but I'll tell you a few things here. First off, I'm white, and he flew to Austin Minnesota when I was a kid and met with everyone. You see my father was on strike at the Hormel plant. The company was not only getting rid of raises, but my Dad's pay was to go from 11.10 an hour to 9.35 an hour. While this was happening CEO of Hormel Dick Nolton (his name discribes himself real well!) was given a million dollar increase in his salary. Gee I wonder where they got that money from? Jessie Jackson came there to support us and if you know Austin Minnesota, you know theres maybe 5 black families in town. I'm not saying the guy is a saint, but if he was a republican this thread wouldn't have even been started!! Then again if he was a republican he would have come to town and told us how we should sacrafice to give Dick his money. I mean you know the Republican trickle down effect. The rich need more money because they effect everyone. :rolleyes: So guess what happened next, we went on a government program to survive. My Dad also was in the National Guard but couldn't afford to make ends meet. So why do I support some programs, because people like my father deserve the help they got. Now even though he is a military man, he believes the republicans our self interested only, I happen to agree.
Sorry if it across in a negative way. I don't generally agree with the guy. But I don't agree one bit that he's all about personal gain, or that he is a racist. I got alittle fired up because of personal experiences that aren't exactly fun reminders of childhood.
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2
So he's a Capitalist at heart.............a closet Republican?:D
Yes I remember the comment. Jesse id the lowest form af animal life. He is the bigest hipocrate and racest you will find standing beside Al Sharpin.
So regardless of what else they've done in their lives, using a racial slur makes them the lowest form of life? I agree saying something like that is ridiculous and he should get plenty of heat for it. But the guy was their for many working families in my old town, the guy went and got those hostages.
Jesse does nothing for anybody unless there is something in it for Jesse. Jesse likes airtime. You may like the guy. That's your choice. But don't expect everybody to. That is all I have to say about that.
Originally posted by Gollum
Jesse does nothing for anybody unless there is something in it for Jesse. Jesse likes airtime. You may like the guy. That's your choice. But don't expect everybody to. That is all I have to say about that.

When did I say I expect you too? I just asked a question. I agree he is a hipocrite. Just thought in my opinion it was harsh and asked a question!

I'll remember not to ever ask you a question again then.
Hay give me a break guys. I know you donot expect everyone to like him. I just made a statment. Like every one else did.I might have could chose better words. If I affended you. I will say I am sorry. I will have nothing else to say on the subject.
Ya don't have to say your sorry, just was trying to understand why you felt that way. I have absolutely nothing against ya. As a matter of fact, I agree with you on another topic. I believe it was the Gay Hart fiasco.
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