Jimmy SPencer and Japan, Toyota and other thoughts


Oct 30, 2002
NJ to NC to FL
Happy29: "Hold on wait a minute now, who the hell dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki that killed hundreds of thousands of Japanese.... not to mention some Japanese christians also, hey not to mention, old men, old women, and women and children?

Whizzer: Those innocent Japanese people had no idea the war was being lost to the Americans. They were so brainwashed and the leaders so insistent of victory the average Japanese citizen felt they were on the winning side despite the carnage piled on thier nation daily by U.S. bombers in the last year of the war.
As for the loss of civilian Japanese lives, consideration must be given to the fact this was war and there are few, if any, boundaries in war neither did Japan adhere to the rules of the Geneva Convention. Collateral damage and loss of innocent lives are all a part of war. Rape, torture, killing of old men, women and children and animals are part of war. By both sides. War is not something that embraces the culture some think of as sacred. There is no sanctity in war. There is only cruelty, death and destruction.

Happy29"You think we're still angry at the Japanese for Pearl Harbor? Ha, talk to them about Nagasaki and Hiroshima and get their feelings about it."

Whizzer: Talking to the Japanese people about Nagasaki and Hiroshima indicates nothing as most were ignorant of the way the war was going at the time and the opinions of today are "after the fact". What would they have rather had happen?? The allied troops continue the bombing raids??

Happy29: "I think the Japanese have contributed lots of things to our economy, for example, cars, electronics that are ten times as better than we have here for ex. Playstation 2, Gamecube, hell they even have that talking toilet that our scientists would take decades to make !"

Whizzer: The Japanese people DID NOT contribute to this country's economy. Immediately after the war ended, the United States infused billions of dollars into that economy to enable the Japanese government to rebuild and become self-sufficient. We put them back on thier feet, not the other way around.
As a matter of fact, the first manufactured products to come from Japan were junk and a common joke when the first Japanese cars, electronics, toys and games were exported.
Up until sometime in the mid-seventies, twenty-five years after the war ended, Japanese manufacturing was considered a failure by United States standards, and was only saved from total collapse by the constant infusion of American dollars.
Since that time, the Japanese have become more proficient and produced a quality product that today might be considered as good and in some cases, better than items made in this country.

Happy29: "They've also deployed troops to Operation Iraqi Freedom, they were so gracious enough to allow us to launch fighter jets from bases in Japan to make sure the North Koreans arent doing stuff, we also have U.S Army and U.S Marine forces stationed there too. Hey, they also let us ship our wounded during Vietnam to Japan, they have to be pretty good friends to be giving us all this stuff even though we bombed them and killed hundreds of thousands of their people."

Whizzer: Of course we have bases in Japan to reduce the threat from North Korea. We also have the ulterior motive of guarding the State of Hawaii, a stepping stone in the event of an attack against the Mainland.

The thought this country killed thousands of innocent Japanese people is not ludicrious. It is reality. It was war. We did not (for once) start the war with Japan. It was the other way around. This country had no choice and as a result, innocent people on both sides, died, which included every allied soldier who lost thier life fighting against the Imperial Japanese Military.

When opinions are formed against this government, there are times they are justified as there is little question things are wrong with this or any government. There are also things wrong with labor unions, Wall Street, education, industry, education, churches, welfare and all social classes, to mention just a few. All in all, given the sacrifice many have made in defense of this nation so that citizens might continue with thier opinions and try to understand things are not always "just" and "right", prove the system does work.

Just as the downtrodden cannot all be saved, neither could innocent Japanese people be saved from the death and destruction of war. That was the decision of the rulers of Japan before, during and up to the signing of the surrender documents by Japan. Adressing the question about the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the question should be, what were Truman's options ??

Finally, to clarify a point made in another post on the same thread containing the comment on the number of lives lost at Pearl Harbor being 25,000, that number is incorrect. According to military records, more lives were lost on September 11, 2001, than were casualties from the attack by the Japanese of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
I wonder if Jimmy realizes that Mitsubishi built the Japanese Zeros that bombed Pearl Harbour and not Toyota? :idunno:
Well, Pearl Harbor took place over 60 years ago, both nations have gotten through with it and made up, we're not at war with Japan anymore, apparently Jimmy cant accept that. This rage that Jimmy has started, he thinks he's doing this for the all-american cause as if he's a Jack Ruby trying to take revenge on Lee Oswald. In short, Jimmy just needs to get over it.
Jimmy Spencer's remarks are the same thoughts many Americans still have. They were politically incorrect and totally insensitive. They were not meant in jest but were exactly what Jimmy Spencer was thinking at the time he made them. Later contact with some influencing force made Jimmy attempt to rationalize his intent.

All anyone needs do is research the thoughts of posters on this forum when the announcement was first made Toyota was entering the Craftsman Truck Series to draw the parallel.
Originally posted by Happy29@Feb 4 2004, 11:50 AM
Well, Pearl Harbor took place over 60 years ago, both nations have gotten through with it and made up, we're not at war with Japan anymore, apparently Jimmy cant accept that. This rage that Jimmy has started, he thinks he's doing this for the all-american cause as if he's a Jack Ruby trying to take revenge on Lee Oswald. In short, Jimmy just needs to get over it.
Happy, all in all I agree with what you are saying, but that is the younger generation me included. I am in the car business and have been for some 20 years and I hear all the time older people, being the people that remember that time, saying "I wouldn't buy anything made in Japan." I think it really doesn't matter, but alot of people still have strong feelings about that.
"Just as the downtrodden cannot all be saved, neither could innocent Japanese people be saved from the death and destruction of war. That was the decision of the rulers of Japan before, during and up to the signing of the surrender documents by Japan. Adressing the question about the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the question should be, what were Truman's options ??"

Sadly, he was left with none. Barbarism begets barbarism. Death and destruction for hundreds of thousands on BOTH sides. Like the bloody mark of Cain, just another sad pecularity of the human condition. Kill these or those or they will kill us or we. After having served my country like a lot of you folks, I am left with the impression a better way must exist.

But in the end I have to agree Whiz, Truman was left with no choice whatsoever. The humane thing to do was smash the opposition quickly and with finality. As sadly twisted as that sounds.

Yeah, this may have strayed a little from the original debate..but talk of war always leaves me a little cold.

Anyhow....a damned fine post Whizzer. :cheers:
The thread did not stray. A new thread was started to respond to the misinformation and personal opinions with argumentative comments made in the other thread.

If someone is willing to discuss a topic, get correct information as a basis for the discussion rather than offer blanket rhetoric and /or opinions before shooting from the hip.

To elaborate on the clarification re: incorrect number of casualties at Pearl Harbor, it was an understandable error. The correct number is near the oft quoted number of 2500 casualties and can easily be mistaken when an extra "0" is added making the number 25000. An error both explainable and understandable, not to criticise.

The comments regarding the attrocities of war stacked on the Japanese people, the opinion Americans did something wrong during the war with Japan and the way the war was ended in conjunction with the rebuilding process. They were the opinions that needed to be responded too and clarified.

This was not a "conventional war" such as was fought in Germany. The Japanese people were going to fight to the last man.
Truman had no choice. There was no easy answer and those who criticise the use of the a-bomb, might they offer an alternative ??? Even today ??

At the very least the ones criticising use of the A-bomb should offer an alternative solution to end, what at the time seemed to be, an unending war. Drastic measures were needed in bringing the realization of finality to this war. The A-bombs did. At the rate America and its' allies were bombing cities in Japan the last year of the war, there would have been nothing left. The air raids using incendiary bombs had already destroyed more than 57% of Yokohama, a city equivalent in size to Cleveland, 40% of Tokyo, equal in size to New York and 55% of Kobe, equivalent to Baltimore. There was nearly as much destruction done by the air raids than by the two A-bombs. Still the Japanese refused to surrender. We'll never know any of the "what-if's" since they never happened and being a Monday Morning Quarterback fifty-nine years after the fact doesn't do the scenario justice.

Am I angry ?? No, just curious why comments with no validation, no logic and no intrinsic content other than to create dissention even though the war ended in 1945. There is still strong resentment toward the Japanese by many Americans and thier allies. It is hard for some to bury the hatchet when they lost a loved one in a war America never started and did not want. America was the victim, not the aggressor, and that memory lives long for many Americans and thier allies.

The good part is, the years will heal the wounds and there is a peace over both Japan and the U.S. of A.. Today, citizens of both nations live in harmony and help each other as friends, brothers and allies. Just at it should be. If there is a wish, it is that people like Jimmy Spence who bear resentment will understand the good things that have taken place and the co-existence in harmony that continues to build between the U.S. of A. and Japan since 1945.
Hopefully, those who still hold any resentment from this war will understand it serves no purpose and like others, will forgive. :salute:
Whizzer you make some very good points.

I am afraid that you are peeing up a rope here in regards to some people. Revisionist history is being taught so prevalently in our schools today that many young people are clueless as to what really happened. They don't realize that 'the past' and 'history' are two different things. "The past" is what really happened. "History" is what someone decided to write down about what happened in "the past". My dad fought in WWII and had a metal plate in his head as a result. For those of us personally affected by the cowardly act of aggression perpetrated at Pearl Harbor, no amount of fact spinning will change the truth of what really happened. It is a shame that our educational system has been so corrupted that our younger people (who will one day run this country) are full of half-truths and disinformation. I really don't blame today's youth nearly as much as I blame the people responsable for their ignorance :(
Your comments are well taken. Rather than trying to pizz up a rope, seeking logic is the intent.
I wound up feeling more as if someone were standing on a ladder peeing down my back and trying to tell me it was raining outside.

If "revisionist history" is being taught, it should be enjoined with the logic of inquiring minds to ask, "why"??. When sopmeone questions Truman's decision to drop the A-bomb but offers no logic, then the teachers of "revisionist history" are not doing thier job. Any topic, specific subject, "revisionist history" or historical data should require the student so willing to offer an opinion, either pro or con, to provide logic with the opinion. And that was not done. Only criticism. With no basis.
Does "revisionist history" eliminate that part and continue on without begging the student to inquire ???

Maybe youth has something to do with it. Reflections of the past indicate there is a lot to be said for the youth ( of several genreations) who are democrats, environmentalists, liberal and anti-establishment.

As they grow older, the responsibility of a family and supporting them changes the way a lot of us think. This is when the decisions of what is important and what is unimportant become more clear.
A majority of them slowly become republicans, cautious environmentalists who drive SUV's and wear designer clothing, making a change in the liberal philosophy, while realizing the anti-establishment (ie., the government) is both right and wrong and there are some things we can change, some we cannot and some not worth trying to change.

As for the youth of today, it seems the more things change the more they stay the same. Differnt generation, different problems served in a different way.

Heres what I disagree with you on, listen, not every child grows up 'liberal' I use this term loosely because most people in the bible belt which most members of this forum reside who are more prone to believe in more conservative practices use it to describe most democrats, making false generalizations about this and that they have the thinking that democrats are sissies, thinking that once young people get a job and raise a family they become conservative that is the worst bull I've ever heard, if anyone actually believes that pattern they're dead wrong.

The thing that scares me is that the older generation thinks that the youth should have no opinion and shut up and read the bible. It's 2004, not 1954, things have changed, believe in the world we have today

Also, you people need to understand, we're not the only country in the world. It's that kind of ignorance towards the world stage that makes other countries, more reformed, more highly educated countries laugh at us.

People are free to practice whatever they want, much like the muslim deal for which I was called liberal for just defending someone's right to practice religion freely not everyone believes in the right wing way of life or how they do things, that is undermining the constitution, making laws based on their religious values, cutting funds for public education, sponsoring private schools that teach religion when government shouldnt establish it and I know there are lots of people who have varying opinions about everything however all I'm saying is Mr. Spencer shouldnt be touting this situation that happened 60 years ago, it's overzealous patriotism that has been I'm sorry to say injected in our public way too much.
A life lesson from an old phart to anyone willing to take the time to read it.

One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried
piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally,
he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey.

He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well.

At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly.
Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw.

With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey would shake it off and take a step up. As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and happily trotted off!

Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up.
Each of our troubles is a stepping stone.
We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up! Shake it off!!! And take a step up!!

Remember the following five simple rules to be happy:
1. Free your heart from hatred - Forgive.
2. Free your mind from worries - Most never happen.
3. Live simply and appreciate what you have.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less

But this is not the end of the lesson.

The donkey later came back and bit the crap out of the farmer who had
tried to bury him. The gash from the bite got infected, and the farmer
eventually died in agony from septic shock.


When you do something wrong and try to cover your ass, it always
comes back to bite you!
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